
  • Mar 6, 1475

    Event #1

    Event #1
    Michelangelo Buonarroti was born on March 6, 1475 in Caprese, Italy. Michelangelo was the second of five children. His parents names were Lodovico and Francesca Buonarroti. Michelangelo's mom died when he was six years old. Michelangelo began learning to become an artist at the age of 13. Michelangelo's birth is significant because in Michelangelo's lifetime, he became one of the most famous artists in the history of the world. Source: (Michelangelo)
  • Jan 1, 1486

    Event #12

    Event #12
    The first Copyright was granted in Venice, Italy on Sepember 1, 1486. Marco Antonio Sabellico, a humanist, was granted protection from anyone else being able to print his writings without permission. Sabellico's privilege set the how to protect creator's works when they are finished. This is significant becaue copyrighting protects an inventors' rights on any invention and is used everywhere in the world today. Source: (HistoryInfo.)
  • Jan 1, 1488

    Event #2

    Event #2
    In 1488, Michelangelo began working under the guidance of Domenico Ghirlandaio, a famous painter. In the summer of 1489, Michelangelo joined a sculpting school taught by Lorenzo de Medici. Michelangelo went on to learn from both men about arts, literature, painting and scultping. The early years of Michelangelo's life were significant because he was challenged intellectually, artistically and spiritually by great men. He later went on to beome a famous artist. Source: (Pettit)
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Event #11

    Event #11
    On August, 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus first tried to sail to America. His voyage was done on three small ships. On 10/12/1492, he landed on Watling Island in San Salvadore. Chistopher Columbus sailed in 4 sailing expeditions in his lifetime. This voyage was significant because Columbus was the Italian explorer who discovered America, but in this voyage, he took possession of the small island in San Salvadore, for Spain. Source: (Infoplease)
  • Jan 1, 1494

    Event #13

    Event #13
    Whiskey was invented in Scottland on January 1, 1494. During the Renaissance, whiskey was used for relief of colic, smallpox, to prolong life and help with health issues. The way the whiskey was made was sometimes harmful because of the way it was distilled. To be called "scotch whiskey", the whiskey has to be made in Scottland. This is significant because whiskey is a famous, potent alcoholic drink that many people around the world drink. Source: (History of Scotch Whiskey)
  • Jan 1, 1496

    Event #3

    Event #3
    In 1496, Michelangelo sculpted the Bacchus. This piece of artwork is large-scale and shows the God teetering, either drunk or dancing. The Bacchus is one of his first pieces of artwork. It is symbolic of delight and earthly pleasures. The Bacchus is significant to Michelangelo's life because it represents his only piece of artwork that is meant to be viewed from all sides. It is also one of his first pieces of artwork and represents the beginning of his career. Source: (Pettit, Byers)
  • Jan 1, 1498

    Event #4

    Event #4
    In 1498, Michelangelo sculpted the Pietá for the same banker he sculpted the Bacchus for. The Pietá was made of marble and showed a clothed, Virgin Mary with the dead Jesus in her arms. Pietá means pity in Italian. The Pieta represents beauty and grace and promise of eternal life. The Pietá is significant because it was the first piece of artwork that represented a life-like human and all of its qualties. The Pietá proved to the world that Michelangelo was a genius. Source: (Pettit, Byers)
  • Sep 13, 1501

    Event #5

    Event #5
    September 13, 1501, the David, another significant sculpture by Michelangelo began. It took 3 years to complete. The David, "infused realism with abstract concepts", but it "also stood for an idea - the triumph of good over evil" (Pettit p. 42). The David was life-like, showing all human qualities. The David is significant becuase it showed that Michelangelo could master scultping "the human form" in his artwork. This is a
    "human-like" piece of artwork and is very famous. Source: (Pettit)
  • May 11, 1502

    Event #16

    Event #16
    Christopher Columbus leaves on May 11, 1502 on his fourth trip to find the New World. Columbus believed if he sailed beyond the islands that he could find Asia or Japan. The voyage took him to Central America and Jamaica. Many people died during this voyage. It was his last, but his most difficult trip. The significance of the fourth voyage for Columbus is that it was his final attempt to discover the "New World". He was later credited for discovering America. Source: (Infoplease)
  • Apr 4, 1503

    Event #6

    Event #6
    The Battle of Cascina was started by Michelangelo in April, 1503. It is a mural of the Battle and shows a group of muscular nude soldiers climbing from a river. This famous mural shows larger than life men with very human life features. The mural is located in Florence. This painting is significant because it again shows Michelangelo's greatness for painting human, life like figures. He used Leonardo's guidance to make this mural. Source: (Byers, Pettit)
  • May 10, 1508

    Event #8

    Event #8
    In 1508, Pope Julius II summoned Michelangelo to start a painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo did not believe he was a painter. The ceiling is a picture of the Creation Story and has a famous image of God creating Adam. This was a difficult task for the artist. The Chapel painting is significant because it proved to be the most challenging pieces of artwork by Michelangelo, but it is also the most famous painting any artist has ever completed. Source: (Pettit, Byers)
  • May 10, 1508

    Event #7

    Event #7
    May 10, 1508, Pope Julius II called Michelangelo to Rome to discuss the painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo didn't want to do this project because he considered himself a sculptor, not a painter. He argued with the Pope, but finished the painting. This meeting is signficicant to Michelangelo's life because if he did not do what Pope Julius II asked of him, he would not have complete this painting, which is one of the most famous paintings of all time.
    Source: (Pettit)
  • Apr 21, 1519

    Event #14

    Event #14
    On April 21, 1519, Spain, led by Hernando Cortez, overthrew the Aztec Empire and conquored Mexico. Cortez had the help of the indians. The Aztec Empire was strong and wealthy, but Cortez was a fighter. This was a major victory for the Spanish. This event is signficant for Spain at the time, because they gained one of the wealthiest empires in North America. The Aztec empire was destroyed and the Spanish developed a whole new world of people entering America. Source: (Mexico History)
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Event #9

    Event #9
    Pope Paul III, in 1536, asked Michelangelo to paint a picture of the Last Judgment on the end wall of the Sistine Chapel. This painting shows a world turned upside down by earthly pleasures. It explores evil and wickedness. Michelangelo said that this painting represents his own personal demons. The Last Judgment is significant because it represents an older version of Michelangelo's artwork. It is one of his most emotional peices of artwork that he does in his lifetime. Source: (Byers)
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Event #15

    Event #15
    On January 1, 1534, Jacques Cartier, from France, went to look for a Northwest passage linking the Atlantic Ocena with the Pacific Ocean. He tried three times from 1534 to 1542. In 1534, he claimed the land near St. Lawrence River as New France for his King. He postpones his exploration of the river for a year and returns to France. This disovery and voyage were signficant because France paved the way for the French empire to settle in the west. Source: (History of French Colony America)
  • Feb 18, 1564

    Event #10

    Event #10
    Michelangelo died on February 18, 1564. Rome wanted his body to be buried there, but he was sent to Santa Croce, to be buried. Michelangelo died with his two friends, Daniele da Voltera and Tommaso Cavalieri by his bedside. Otherwise, he had not other family there. Michelangelo's death is significant because he is one of the most famous artists of the 15th century. He believed he was just beginning to to understand art when he died, but many believe he was a genuis. Source: (Pettit)