4.2- Non-gender typed behavior
It was at my old mainstream school when I look back to this one girl in my class who was different. She was not challenged or anything, she just did not fit the social standard of what a girl should be. She was not talkative or take part of any girl activities, She would usually keep to herself and like to hang with the guys when it came to recess. She hated talking to girls. -
4.1- Gender-typed behavior
Camping in West Virginia. I went with a lot of Deaf and CODAs to a camping ground just west of Harpers Ferry. At the age of 8 to 11, a lot of the boys there were showing a lot of aggression to one another. We use to wrestle, get physical and throw each other around a lot. We use to yell at each other a lot and get physical to prove who was the alpha male. -
7.1- Transition to Middle School
My transition from elementary school to middle school does in someways fit what is described in our text books. I transfered from a hearing elementary school to a deaf school. I had more flexability to my schedule and more freedom between classes. However I had less students in my classroom. Example: I had 30 students in my 5th grade class and 6 students, including myself, in my 6th grade class. There were a lot of stressors in my transition. I felt overwhelmed with assignments and language. -
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1.1 Entering Adolescence
1.1 Entering Adolescence
On this date I left for Camp Mark 7 in Old Forage, NY. At this point of my life I went through biological and socioemotional changes at tweleve years old. I started rebelling against authority and really speaking my opinions towards adults and caregivers. -
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2.1- Typical maturer
When it comes to early and maturation, look back and believe I matured at the same pace as everyone else in some ways. I had a major growth spurt when I was 13 years old. I went from being 5'8 to 6'2 over the summer before I entered the 8th grade. My sexual maturation was like any other young adolescence. I did not explore with sex until I was a senior in high school, however I would think and discuss about it all the time. I went through a rebellious stage in school and at home. I am doing well -
2.2- Niche-picking
When it came to " Niche-picking," I was very active. Growing up, I was a very aggressive kid. I knew what friends I wanted in my life and what kind of social groups I wanted to hangout with. The people and environment I usually hanged out with were mostly "football junkies." I loved everything about football so I wanted to hang out with people who had the similiar common interest. I was also kind of a nerd. I was into starwars and etc. -
3.2 social comparison
During the age of 14, I did a lot of social comparison with my peers. I was always comparing myself to my athletic peers. Always seeing who is better and worst, and I would never come to admit that I was comparing myself to others. Coming from a very competitive school, comparing was the aggressive social norm. Everyone did it, yet no one discussed it. -
3.1- Personal Fable.
When I look back to my personal fable, I think about the days when "Livejournal.com" & "greatestjournal.com" were the greatest thing ever. My personal fable egocentrism period happen during my sophmore year in high school playing football. I think most people cannot relate, but to me it was important. I kept on messing up during football games, missing blocks, missing assignment, misreading cues, I vented everything in my journal. I thought no one understood what I was going through. -
“6.1- parent adolescent conflict
During my second year of high school I was going through a lot of peer, logical, and sexual changes. My interests and focused changed from friendships to chasing girls. My relationship with my parents has also changed. I started hanging out and talking to them less. I became less responsive to my parents and felt like they could not respond or connect to what I was feeling. I became more of an economic burden to my parents. I wanted nicer clothes, cooler stuff and my parents could not afford it. -
8.1- rite of passage
My rites of passage came when I got my driver's lincence at 15 & 9 months. It was an honor and a sign that I was growing up. In American middle class culture, I look at getting your drivers lincence is a sign that you are becoming an adult. It is a transition stage where I have more freedom and less restrictions under my parent's roof. -
6.2 - Stimulation
Looking back, I remember one friend I had in high school. He would someone I could always come to for new information. He brought excitement to our conversations. What information he shared was always so amuseing and exciting. We would always talk about information we heard then go online and research if it was true or not. -
3.3 Self-Protection
Self-protection is a stage that every adolescence goes through. I was very self-protective towards my peers and adults. I would never admit my negative charactics and would be insulted if anyone, including my parents, pointed them out. I would always put down my friends and would be offended if anyone called me a "bully" even though deep down I knew I had that negative characteristic. -
6.3 - Physical Support
While playing football, one of my closet buddies would always be the one I would turn to for physical support. He would provide me with resources and assistance when I need it. For example, when I was stressed out about something, he would be the one I would turn to. We would go out and play flag football or basketball. We would burn out all of our energy on playing basketball then feel better after. -
7.2- Transition to College
My transition from high school to college was more stressful, yet i did not feel any depression. I was surrounded by distractions. Friends, parities, football, I was mostly occupied by things I could do. I admit I could have withdrawn or dropped out of school a couple of times, however I got through it. The indicator was stress. -
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1.2 Emerging Adulthood
On this date I ended up in the hospital with a broken arm. During my first year of college at Gallaudet, I was a 18 year old football player. During one of our away games I broke my arm in two different places. Normally, as a child, a parent/caregiver would accompany a minor to the hospital and take care of any paperwork that needed to be filled out. For my experience, I had to do everything myself. Insurance information and etc. It was my true first tate of reality, "I am adult." -
7.3- Intrinsic Motivation
my instrinsic motiviation happen after the Gallaudet Protest. I did bad in school, I received a 2.0 and almost got kicked out of college. During winter break I developed self-deermination in becoming a well known and well rounded deaf individual and I knew it all had to start with school. I went through several challenges in school, expecially in math, but I made it through it. My motivation affected my achievement by passing math, getting above a 3.2 each semester until I graduated college.