Michaela's life path

  • Period: 16 to 20


    High School Years
  • 18

    High School

    I like going to the games that happen at the school because it's a lot of fun especially with your friends and fun to cheer on your school team
  • 21

    After Graduation

    I want to go to school for a bit longer and then start a family with my spouse and live a fun life by doing amazing things for others and my own family
  • 21


    I want to live close to my mom so i can have help if close by if I need it until i can handle things on my own
  • Period: 21 to 62


    After Graduation 19 years old to death
  • 25


    I want to travel the world
  • 28


    I want to get married and have 2 kids with my spouse
  • Birth

    The day I was born
  • Period: to


    Birth to 12 years old
  • Childhood

    When I was 4 my parents got a divorce and made it a difficult time in our lives cause we didn't know what to do.
  • Childhood

    When I was younger we went to church but then ended up not going anymore but it didn't mean we didn't have a religion anymore
  • Childhood

    My brother, sister and I would always go outside and spend all day outside playing around and i would have the best time
  • High School

    My sister helped me throughout my high school career because she believed in me when i didn't.
  • High School

    I was in the band and we ended up taking 1st place at state and it was a day to remember for the rest of my life