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Life of Michael Ruse
Michael Ruse attempts to bridge the gap of traditional Christianity and modern science.(1) He has written countless books and the subject(2), and has taken part in many of the debates with "new atheist". He is also known for addressing Darwinism and Creationism and their place in modern education and science. -
B.A., (Philosophy and Mathematics), University of Bristol, 1962 M.A., (Philosophy), McMaster University, 1964.
Ph.D., (Philosophy), University of Bristol, 1970. https://philosophy.fsu.edu/sites/g/files/imported/storage/original/application/d79e4f6be09312705e89f0664fc150de.pdf
What is Philosophy?
Title: Michael Ruse
Date Accessed: July 21, 2018 -
Life's Work
Dr. Michael Ruse is well known for the philosophy of biology. He also addresses issues that are in the realm of theology. He has been at the forefront of issues such as the roles of Christianity in relation to Darwinism, Creationism, and Atheism. He has ventured to merge some beliefs and show questions of God and Christianity expand beyond the ideas of Darwinism(1)(3). -
Evolution beliefs
Dr. Ruse considers himself an evolutionist, but also a believer in Christianity. He feels compelled to show that Darwinism is compatible with those beliefs(4). -
Timeline image credit: University of Queensland
Reference page image credit: University of Florida (1)MICHAEL RUSE ON SCIENCE AND FAITH: SEEKING MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING. Wisdo, David
Journal: Zygon. ISSN: 0591-2385
Date: 09/01/2011 Volume: 46 Issue: 3 Page: 639-654 (2)URLhttps://philosophy.fsu.edu/people/faculty/michael-ruse
Website Title: What is Philosophy?
Article Title: Michael Ruse
Date Accessed: July 21, 2018 Continued... -
References Continued
Strange Notions. Atheism, Philosophy, and Science: An Interview with Dr. Michael Ruse
Published: April 02, 2014. Accessed: July 21, 2018 (4)http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/scienceandthesacred/2009/08/why-i-think-the-new-atheists-are-a-bloody-disaster.html
The Biblical Basis for Being Pro-Choice. Why I Think the New Atheists are a Bloody Disaster
Pub:May 19, 2014 Acc: July 21, 2018