
Michael Jordan

By Mesa5
  • born

    Michael was born in Brookland New York February 17,1963,.
  • base ball

    base ball
    Michael loved little lauge base ball.
  • An amazing win!

    An amazing win!
    Michael saved his team by winning with one slam dunk!
  • A new champion

    A new champion
    Michael finaly becomes a golden champion!
  • His 1st retier

    His 1st retier
    in 1994 Michael retieres from basketball.
  • Michael has his 2nd retier

    Michael has his 2nd retier
    Michael comes back to basketball then leavs again.
  • Michael has his last and 3rd retier

    Michael has his last and 3rd retier
    Michael goes back to playing basketball and for his last time he leaves and stops playing basketball for good!