"Grito de Independencia"
The threat of Napoleon led two groups to unite: "criollos" and "mestizos". They started the "insurgente" movement in Queretaro. Once they were discovered, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla gave the Cry for Independence and triggered the war for Idependence. -
Iguala Plan
This Plan declared Mexico as independent and stablished a monarchy as their goverment. -
Trigarante Army
The Trigarante army was made to spread the word of the Iguala Plan across New Spain.
This army marched into Mexico City led by Agustín de Iturbide in Civilian clothes. México City was filled with joy and celebration. -
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was signed separating México from Spain. -
Agustín de Iturbide takes the throne
In May 18th 1822, he soldiers demanded the Congress to reunite and Valentín Gomez Farias read the proposal to make Iturbide King. 67 people failed in favor against fifteen. -
Iturbide leaves the crown.
The Plan Casa Mata, which led Iturbide to resign and go to exile, propopesed a new congress. Iturbide later dies once he returns to Mexico in July 19th 1824 -
Constitution of 1824
It established a representative and federal republic formed by nineteen states, four territories and a Federal Distric. Guadalupe Victoria was elected as President and in this date, with his vicepresident Vicente Guerrero, sweared upon the Constitution. -
Independence of Texas
By 1930, there were 10 americans for 1 mexican, this created tension. Santa Anna marched to Texas in early 1836. Because of a slip, Santa Anna was made a prisioner in San Jacinto, he was forced to sign the Treaties of Velasco which recognized Texas as independent. -
Texas joins United States of America
After declaring their independence, Texas wanted to join USA but Mexico prohibited. But John Tyler started the negotiations to anex Texas, which he later accomplished. -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
After a two year war between Mexico and the United States, USA finally conquered California and Nuevo Mexico. The treaty made it official. It is worth mentioning that the payment wasn't made because of the land, but because of the damage. -
Constitution of 1857
Comonfort aproved this constitution, which established the "garantias individuales" and a system to protect them. -
Reform War
It started in january of 1858.This conflict was one between liberals and conservatives. It ended once the Holy Church and the State separated. Liberals, led by Benito Juarez, won the war -
Second French Intervention in Mexico
In July 17 1861, Juarez declared the suspension of the debt to France and other countries. The troops of these countries arrived in Veracruz in 1862. The won battle of Puebla, in may 5 of that year, helped the people to be more optimistic. This intervention ended thanks to the death of Maximiliam I of Habsburgo. -
"Republica Restaurada"
After the second mexican Empire was formed, Benito Juarez led a "Guerrilla" to war. The guerrilla won and make Mexico a Republic again. Juarez was elected president from 1868-1871.