Mexico s

Mexico Timeline Final

  • Mexican President Lazaro Cardenas

  • Mexico serving with the U.S for east air corps untl 1945

  • Fought Japanese in the Philippines until 1945

  • Mexico became a member of the united nations

  • World War 2 after Pearl Harbor

  • Mexican Airforce squadron 201 flying p-47s

  • Mexico under President Avila Camacho

  • Declared War on the Axis U.S. Mexican friendship cemented

  • Regional Ranking:3rd in North America

  • Current economic change. Economic Freedom score:65.2 (down 1.2 points)

    Economic Freedom score:65.2 (down 1.2 points)
  • Economic freedom status: Moderatley free

  • Global Ranking:62nd

  • Mexico's Political structure is a federal presidential representative democratic republic.

    Current Political Change
  • Government is congressional and the president of mexico is head state and head of the multi-party government has three levels: Federal, State, and Municipal Government