Mexico Timeline

  • The Santa Fe aqueduct is inaugurated

    Along with that of Chapultepec, it will provide water to what is still called the city of Tenochtitlán from the Tlaxpana or Musicos fountain.
  • The first temple collapses

    From Santo Domingo in the square of the same name
  • The Castle of Chapultepec is built

    By the viceroy of New Spain and ends in 1788
  • Mexico's independence

    The Mexican independence movement is framed by the Enlightenment and the liberal revolutions of the last part of the 18th century. Around that time the enlightened elite began to reflect on the relations of Spain with its colonies.
  • Consummation of independence

    Mexico City the Trigarante Army, after more than ten years of insurgent struggle to achieve the Independence of Mexico. Throughout this process, the great caudillos who led the movement - Hidalgo, López Rayón and Morelos, among others - were apprehended and shot by royalists. In the last stage of this feat, Vicente Guerrero stood out.
  • American intervention in Mexico

    Known in Mexico as the American Intervention in Mexico, it was a military conflict that faced both countries between the years of 1846 and 1848.
  • Cakes war

    The operations of the creation of the Cakes are part of an attempt to obtain economic privileges in Latin America
  • The National University of Mexico is open

    It is formed with different higher schools that are scattered throughout the city
  • Mexican Revolution

    The antecedents of the conflict go back to the situation in Mexico under the Porfiriato. Since 1876 he exercised power in the country in a dictatorial way.
  • Political Constitution of the United Mexican States

    Among the changes regarding the Constitution of 1857, are the elimination of the reelection of the President of the Republic and the position of vice-president, as well as the creation of the free municipality.
  • The right to vote for women is approved

    Once the legislative process had been passed, President Ruiz Cortines promulgated constitutional reforms so that Mexican women could enjoy full citizenship.
  • second paramerican games

    A total of 2,583 athletes from 22 nations participated in the inaugural parade. The participating nations paraded in alphabetical order as follows: Argentina, Netherlands Antilles, Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, El Salvador, United States, Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic , Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela and Mexico.
  • Student movement

    The Mexican state that characterized the movement as an attempt to overthrow the government, establish a "communist" regime as part of a "Subversive Plan for International Projection" 3 and criminalized it, 2 arguing that its participants were terrorists, criminals or a danger to national security.
  • The Mexico subway opens

    200.88 km in service (226.48 km including shunting lanes)
  • Hurricane Wilma

    Regarded as one of the most intense in history, this hurricane was the twelfth of the 2005 hurricane season, and the most devastating.
  • Legalization of homosexual marriages in the Federal District

    The initiative was supported by the parties of the left and rejected by the right, and after a two-year debate in which Mexican society was polarized
  • The San Fernando massacre

    Tamaulipas was the scene of the worst massacre against migrants to date in Mexican territory
  • The 43 of Ayotzinapa

    Students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Normal were traveling by buses to Mexico City on the occasion of the anniversary of the October 2 massacre, when they were attacked by municipal police in Iguala, Guerrero, allegedly linked to organized crime.
  • The triumph of AMLO

    For the third time, Andrés Manuel López Obrador ran for President of the Republic, and for the first time, "the fool" - as his wife, Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller describes him - succeeded.
  • COVID-19 quarantine

    The total quatenta begins in all Mexico due to the COVID-19 disease