
Mexico Timeline

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Mexico Events

  • Jun 29, 1520

    Montezuma the 9th Aztec emperor killed

    Montezuma the 9th Aztec emperor killed
    Montezuma was killed on June 29th,1520 during the stages of the spanish conquest of Mexico, when conquistador and his men were fighting to escape the Aztec Capitol.
  • Mexico wins independence from Spain

    Mexico wins independence from Spain
    Most of Spains former colonies had declared and won independence and divided up into republics.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    This battle was led by General Sam Houston. About 630 Mexican soldiers were killed and about 730 of them were captured. The president of Mexico was captured and held for prisoner of war.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War was fought in the USA and the Northern side won the war. Abraham Lincoln was elected president.
  • Mexico Revolution

    Mexico Revolution
    The Mexican revolution was a armed struggled that began in 1910 and led by Fransico Madero. Over time the revolition switched from a revolt to a milti- sided war.
  • New Constitution Established

    New Constitution Established
    First document in the world to have social rights.
  • Carranza is murdered, Civil war follows

    Carranza is murdered, Civil war follows
    Carranza was one of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution. He became president of Mexico. He tried to flee to Veracruz and was killed on May 20th, 1920.
  • The Cristero War

    The Cristero War
    The Cristero War went on from 1927 to1929 .
    By March 1028 there were about 10,000 women involved , they were smuggling guns. On June 2nd Gorostieta was killed.
  • Mexico declared war on Japan and Germany

    Mexico declared war on Japan and Germany
    One of the reasons the war started was because of the close alliance and economic aid given to Mexico by the U.S.
  • Earthquake in Mexico City

    Earthquake in Mexico City
    This Earthquake had a magnitude of 8.0. Also c aused the deaths or at least 10,000 and some injured. One of the most powerful shocks.
  • Vicente Fox

    Vicente Fox
    Vicente Fox is sworn in and becomes president in 2000. He ran from 200 to 2006.
  • Tabasco Flood

    Tabasco Flood
    About 20,000 people were looking for shelter and 1,000,000 or more people were affected.