Mexico Timeline by Jesus Alberto Guipzot Cruz 1942597

  • Under the Zócalo of Mexico City, the Aztec Sun Stone was discovered.

    Under the Zócalo of Mexico City, the Aztec Sun Stone was discovered.
  • In Nueva Galicia (today the State of Jalisco, Mexico) the University of Guadalajara opens its doors.

  • The priest Miguel Hidalgo calls for an armed struggle against Spanish domination, in an act known as the "Grito de Dolores" and which initiates the Independence of Mexico .

    The priest Miguel Hidalgo calls for an armed struggle against Spanish domination, in an act known as the "Grito de Dolores" and which initiates the Independence of Mexico .
  • José María Morelos y Pavón writes the document "Sentimientos de la Nación".

    José María Morelos y Pavón writes the document "Sentimientos de la Nación".
  • The royalist army commanded by Agustín de Iturbide swears the Plan of Iguala.

  • The Declaration of Independence of the Mexican Empire was signed in Mexico.

    The Declaration of Independence of the Mexican Empire was signed in Mexico.
  • Agustín de Iturbide is officially crowned as the first Emperor of Mexico.

  • in Tampico (Tamaulipas, Mexico) General Antonio López de Santa Anna defeated the Spanish army

    that planned to reconquer Mexico, under the command of Brigadier Isidro Barradas (Barradas expedition).
  • General Antonio López de Santa Anna becomes President of the Republic.

    General Antonio López de Santa Anna becomes President of the Republic.
  • In Mexico the system of government is changed from federalist to centralist through a provisional act.

    Almost a year later, on December 30, 1836, a new constitution, known as The Seven Laws, was enacted.
  • The state of Texas declared its independence from Mexico.

    The state of Texas declared its independence from Mexico.
  • Spain signs a treaty of peace, friendship, and recognition of independence with Mexico.

  • Between France and Mexico the War of the cakes begins.

  • The peace treaty between Mexico and France was signed in Veracruz, ending the Pastel War.

  • The United States annexes the Mexican state of Texas (fulfilling the doctrine of manifest destiny).

    The United States annexes the Mexican state of Texas (fulfilling the doctrine of manifest destiny).
  • The United States invaded Mexico

    Within the framework of the US Intervention in Mexico and in four years of war seized the regions of Texas, California, Arizona and New Mexico, among others.
  • The battles for the taking of Mexico City began in Mexico, an action that culminated the US invasion.

  • Signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The Government of Mexico in the framework of the American War of Intervention cedes to the United States more than half of its territory: all of what are now the states of California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah.
  • The Federal Constitution of the United Mexican States was promulgated in Mexico.

  • In Mexico within the framework of the Second French Invasion

    The Republican Mexican forces (under the command of Porfirio Díaz) defeated the French army at the Battle of Juchitán.
  • Puebla was taken in Mexico by the army commanded by General Porfirio Díaz.

  • in Ciudad Juárez, Porfirio Díaz and William Howard Taft meet on the first official visit of an American president to Mexican soil, narrowly escaping assassination

  • In Mexico, on the occasion of the celebration of 100 years of independence, the National University of Mexico

    In Mexico, on the occasion of the celebration of 100 years of independence, the National University of Mexico
    today the National Autonomous University of Mexico, was inaugurated.
  • Francisco I. Madero publishes the Plan of San Luis Potosí, where he denounces President Porfirio Díaz, and proclaims himself president. The Mexican Revolution that tries to overthrow the government begins.

    Francisco I. Madero publishes the Plan of San Luis Potosí, where he denounces President Porfirio Díaz, and proclaims himself president. The Mexican Revolution that tries to overthrow the government begins.
  • Francisco Madero assumes the presidency.

    Francisco Madero assumes the presidency.
  • Emiliano Zapata proclaimed the Plan de Ayala, in which the rights of peasants were claimed.

    Emiliano Zapata proclaimed the Plan de Ayala, in which the rights of peasants were claimed.
  • Francisco I. Madero is forced to resign as President of Mexico.

  • in Sonora (Mexico) the Constitutionalist Revolution began under the command of the first chief Venustiano Carranza.

  • The British intelligence service intercepted a telegram from Arthur Zimmermann, German Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in which he asked Mexico to enter the war against the United States.

    The British intelligence service intercepted a telegram from Arthur Zimmermann, German Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in which he asked Mexico to enter the war against the United States.
  • Venustiano Carranza is elected president of Mexico.

    Venustiano Carranza is elected president of Mexico.
  • in Mexico, the Ministry of Public Education is created

    in Mexico, the Ministry of Public Education is created
  • President Emilio Portes Gil granted autonomy to the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

  • General Lázaro Cárdenas del Río expropriated the railroads and created the company "Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México".

  • Mexico welcomes 500 Spanish children exiled by Francoism.

    Mexico welcomes 500 Spanish children exiled by Francoism.
  • President Lázaro Cárdenas del Río decreed the expropriation of the oil industry in that country.

    President Lázaro Cárdenas del Río decreed the expropriation of the oil industry in that country.
  • off Key West, the steamship Faja de Oro was sunk, being the second Mexican oil tanker, whose sinking by the Axis powers led Mexico to abandon its neutrality and enter World War II.

  • Mexico joins the ONU

  • In the presidential elections, for the first time in Mexico, women go to the polls to cast their vote.

    In the presidential elections, for the first time in Mexico, women go to the polls to cast their vote.
  • The army invaded the facilities of the National Polytechnic Institute in the Casco de Santo Tomás, capturing and killing a large number of students

    The army invaded the facilities of the National Polytechnic Institute in the Casco de Santo Tomás, capturing and killing a large number of students
  • by Presidential Decree, the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics was created in Mexico.

    by Presidential Decree, the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics was created in Mexico.
  • Signing of the Free Trade Agreement between Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela (Group of Three).

  • Work was suspended in Mexico due to the H1N1 influenza epidemic.

    Work was suspended in Mexico due to the H1N1 influenza epidemic.
  • in Mexico and other parts of the world, the first day of the "Global Action for Ayotzinapa" is celebrated

    in Mexico and other parts of the world, the first day of the "Global Action for Ayotzinapa" is celebrated
    In which thousands of Mexicans demand the resignation of President Enrique Peña Nieto due to his responsibility in the murder of the students of Ayotzina
  • 2019 In Tlahuelilpan, Hidalgo, Mexico, a Pemex pipeline exploded, 130 people died and others were injured while trying to grab gasoline.

    2019 In Tlahuelilpan, Hidalgo, Mexico, a Pemex pipeline exploded, 130 people died and others were injured while trying to grab gasoline.
  • A national women's strike is held in Mexico to raise awareness about femicides and violence against women.