
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Future Capital

    Mexico City is born
  • Date of Independence

    The day in which Mexico became a free and independent.
  • First War

    Their first war was their war for independence which ended in victory for Mexico (1810-1821)
  • First President

    Mexico gets their first president in Guadalupe Victoria
  • Country Status

    Mexico goes from independent and free nation to becoming a counry.
  • Let's make a government

    Mexico's empire ends, which starts the governmental uprising in which they gain a president
  • Big Loss

    Mexico loses their first big fight/battle vs the people of Texas
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexico lose to the US and are forced to call Texas a US territory
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    During WW1, the Central Powers didn't want the US to intervene with the war. So Arthur Zimmerman sent a telegram to Mexico to fight the Americans over Texas and if they do the Germans would help get them Texas. However, the telegram was intercepted by the British Authorities and they sent it to the US so they would help in the efforts to beat the Central Powers. This is what most people would call the turning point of the war.
  • A big problem

    With the Trump Administration, it seems like America and Mexico are spreading apart. This would hit Mexico's Economy like the Great Depression.