Carrier Timeline

  • Indianapolis & Huntington Factories in plans to shut down

    Company Officials announce plan to shutter Indianapolis Factory + Huntington United Technologies Plant and shift operations to Mexico, impacting approximately 2,100 jobs (1,400 in Indianapolis, 700 in Huntington)
  • Trump Tweets

    Trump’s First Tweet Criticizing Carrier’s Decision
  • Federal Regulations cause of factory closings

    Pence cites increased Federal regulations as a factor in closing decision, Senator Donnelly disputes the claim, Carrier does not respond to claim of increased regulations
  • 400 R&D Jobs Staying in IN

    Pence meets with United Technology Executives, states that he does not want to create false holes of 2,100 jobs staying in Indiana, but could retain 400 R&D positions
  • Trump states stiff taxes on companies moving jobs

    Trump draws cheers from supporters at an Indianapolis campaign rally when he says he would impose stiff taxes on companies such as Carrier for moving jobs from the country. Trump goes on to essentially clinch the GOP nomination by winning Indiana’s May 3 primary and continues to blast Carrier during his campaign.
  • Bernie Sanders Speaks Out

    Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has also picked up the Carrier cause, blames bad international trade policies for the company’s decision while speaking at an Indiana Statehouse rally organized by unions protesting the plant closings. Sanders wins Indiana’s Democratic presidential primary the following week.
  • Trump Attacks Carrier Again

    Trump again attacks the Carrier decision during a campaign rally in suburban Indianapolis, three days before he announces Pence as his running mate.
  • Severance Package Deal Reached

    Carrier and United Steelworkers Local 1999 reach severance package deal for Indianapolis plant workers, including reimbursement for education and technical training. Job cuts are scheduled over three years beginning in 2017.
  • Trump Tweets About Work With Carrier

    Trump posts on Twitter on Thanksgiving Day that he is working with Carrier to keep jobs in the U.S. The company confirms discussions with the incoming administration but says that it has nothing to announce yet.
  • Little Optimism For Changing Carrier's Decision

    nited Steelworkers Local 1999 president Chuck Jones, who represents workers at the Indianapolis factory, says he isn’t optimistic of success in changing Carrier’s decision and that union leaders had last met with the company three months earlier.
  • Carrier and Trump Reach Agreement

    Carrier says it has reached agreement with Trump to keep nearly 1,000 jobs in Indianapolis. No details of the deal are announced, although Trump promises on Twitter a “Great deal for workers!” No mention is made of the 700-worker factory in Huntington.
  • 800 Union Workers Spared In Deal

    Federal officials briefed on the deal by the company say it would spare 800 union workers whose jobs were going to be outsourced to Mexico. The deal also may cover headquarters and engineering staff that were not going to be outsourced.