Mexican Independence (1810-1821)
The Mexican War of Independence was an armed conflict, and the culmination of a political and social process which ended the rule of Spain in 1821 in the territory of New Spain. -
First Empire // Iturbide (1821-1824)
The army supported Iturbide to become an emperor in 1822, his empire was a bad simulation of the Spanish Monarchy. -
Casa Mata Plan (1823)
Signed by Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, Vicente Guerrero and Nicolas Bravo, etc.
The purpose was to overthrow Iturbide. It wanted to form a new congress and a supported regional autonomy -
The Triumvirate (1823)
After the fall of Iturbide, the Congress named a new executive government led by three men:
Pedro Celestino Negrete, Vicente Guerrero, Nicolás Bravo -
Lucas Alamán (1823)
Minister and presidential advisor participated in the Conservative Party in favor of the church. Had liberal ideas. -
Secession of Yucatan Peninsula (1823)
Yucatan was a sovereign state, then it joined the mexican federation as the Federated Republic of Yucatan. -
Liberal Constitution of 1824 (1824)
Promulgated on October 4th 1824, inspired by Cádiz & U.S. Constitution established a Federal Republic, Catholic religion, education & freedom of press, did not alter the rights of the Church and the Military. -
First Federal Republic in Mexico (1824)
The first federal Republic in Mexico- First Mexican experience with Republic
Two Triumvirates & Nine Presidents. Guadalupe Victoria was the first president. Creation of the Mexican Hacienda.
More loans from foreign countries
Attempt of a Spanish reconquest -
Liberal Reforms of 1833 (1833-1834)
First liberal reforms 1833
It was promoted by liberals: Valentín Gómez Farías, José María Luis Mora, Lorenzo de Zavala - Abolished clergy and military "fueros" - Took away property of the Church - Public shcools - National guard - National Library, Museum, University -
Santa Anna and the Central Republic (1835)
The Seven Laws (1835)
Reaction of the Liberal Reforms of 1833 by the Church and the military:
"Religion and privileges"
President Santa Anna expelled the liberals
New Congress
New Constitution
Conservative Power
Presidential Period of 8 years -
Texas Independence (1836)
Texas protested the New Central government and rebelled in favor of federal system -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1838)
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: this treaty was the one that ended the Mexican-American War in favor of the United States. -
Pastry War (1938-1839)
France demanded reparations from damages to French business in Mexican revolts, including damages to a bakery.
$600000 pesos. -
The Organic Bases (1841)
Ended Anastasio Bustamante's presidency -
US Invasion of Mexico (1846-1848)
Mexico had not recognized the Independence of Texas. US expansion policy. Mexican troops in Texascaused the US to declare war -
Santa Anna Dictatorship (1853)
Santa Anna Dictatorship: He came back for power after the loss of the U.S. War. He declared himself as a dictator in 1853. -
The Ayutla Revolution (1854)
The Ayutla Revolution: this movement was led by Juan Alvarez and a group of liberals and this gave an end to this dictatorship and this led to elections for a Constitutional Congress. -
Reforma Laws and New Constitution (1857)
A new constitution was promulgated and this promulgated a federal constitution, individual guarantees ( liberty and property) and religious tolerance. -
Reforma War // Liberals vs Conservatives (1857-1861)
The struggle of liberals and conservatives, liberals wanted a federal government and conservatives wanted absolutism. -
Second French Intervention (1862-1867)
Juarez won the Reform war, then suspended the foreign debt. Spain, UK, and France landed in Veracruz, French stayed. Battle of Puebla. They took Mexico, Juarez exiled in El Paso and Chihuahua -
Second Empire // Maximilian I (1864)
The conservatives negotiated with the Vatican a France the creation of an European monarchy in Mexico -
The Restored Republic // Juárez (1867-1876)
Juárez gets back to power in 1867 until Porfirio Díaz became president -
Noria Plan // Díaz (1871-1872)
In the 1871 elections Juárez didn't obtain a majority against Lerdo and Porfirio Díaz. Díaz started an uprising (Noria Plan) but he was defeated. -
Porfirio Díaz Regime (1876-1911)
Lerdo de Tejada won the elections but Jose María Iglesias and Porfirio Díaz denounce fraud. Díaz take the power through the Tuxtepec plan