Mexico 19th Century

  • Mexican Independence

    Mexican Independence
    Started with the "Cry of Dolores " given by the priest Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla who as the leader of the fight against the Spanish.
    Main causes: inequality of opportunities for creoles and mistreats for the Indigenes.
    Purpose: to establish a democratic government and a republic
  • First Empire (Iturbide)

    First Empire (Iturbide)
    May 19th 1822- March 19th 1823
    After the formation of the Provisional Junta, the army supported Iturbide to become an Emperor in 1822. Iturbide was named "Agustin I". His empire was a bad simulation of the Spanish Monarchy. The liberal Congress constantly attacked Iturbide.
  • Casa Mata Plan

    Casa Mata Plan
    Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, Vicente Guerrero, Nicolás Bravo and others. Its purpose was to overthrow Iturbide, wanted to form a new Congress, and support a regional autonomy.
  • Secession of the Yucatan Peninsula

    Secession of the Yucatan Peninsula
    1st republic of Yucatan
    Founded on May 29th, 1823
    Willingy joined the Mexican Federation as the Federated Repubic of Yucatan on December 23rd, 1823
    They were governed by the constitution of 1841
  • The Triumvirate

    The Triumvirate
    After the fall of Iturbide the Congress named a new executive government led by three men: Pedro Celestino Negrete, Vicente Guerrero, Nicolás Bravo.
  • Liberal Constitution of 1824

    Liberal Constitution of 1824
    Inspired by Cadiz and U.S Constitution. Established a Federal Republic. Was in favor of the Catholic Religion. Education & freedom of press. Did not alter the rights of the Church and the military.
  • First Federal Republic in Mexico

    First Federal Republic in Mexico
    First Mexican experience with Republic. Two Triumvirates & nine presidents
    Guadalupe Victoria was the 1st president.
    Creation of the Mexican Hacienda. Attempts of a Spanish reconquest, and more loans for foreign countries.
  • Santa Anna Dictatorship

    Santa Anna Dictatorship
    Santa Anna came back to power after the loss of the US-Mexico War.
    He suspended the constitution and declared himself a dictator in 1853.
  • Liberal Reforms of 1833

    Liberal Reforms of 1833
    Promoted by Valentin Gomez, Jose Luis Mora and Lorenzo de la Savala.
    Abolished clergy and military fueros.
    Took away property of the church.
    Public schools.
    National guard
    National liberty
  • Santa Anna and the Central Republic

    Santa Anna and the Central Republic
    1835- 1846
    The central republic was thus set up in 1835, but one again civil strife, economic stagnation and military coups prevailed until 1846, when disastrous war with US began in which Mexico was to lose half of its national terrritory.
  • Texas Independence

    Texas Independence
    Texas protested about the new central government (7 laws) and rebelled themselves in favor of the federal system.
    Treaties of velasco: Texas independence
  • The Seven Laws

    The Seven Laws
    Reaction of the reforms of 1833 by the church and the military. President Santa Anna expelled the liberals. New congress.
  • First French Intervention in Mexico. Pastry War

    First French Intervention in Mexico. Pastry War
    France demanded reparations from damages to french business in the mexican revolts including damage to a bakery. The french attacked San Juan de Ulua and the port of Veracruz.
  • The Organic Bases

    The Organic Bases
    There were two different organic bases that modified the constitution of 1835 and ended Anastacio Bustamante presidency:
    a)1841 Tacubaya - federal regime
    b)1843 Central regime led by santa anna
  • U.S. vs Mexico War

    U.S. vs Mexico War
    1846 -1848
    Mexico had recognized the Indepence of Texas (US expansion policy manifest destiny, president Polk)
    Mexican troops in Texas caused the US to declare war.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
    The US army took Mexico city in 1847 and Santa Anna was defeated, with treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo in 1848 Mexico lost half of its territory.
  • Lucas Alamán

    Lucas Alamán
    Minister and president advisor, he participated in the conservative party in favor of the church.
    He had liberal cinstitutional ideas in favor of the division of powers, preference for a central republic to organize the country.
    He promoted Mexican industrialization.
  • The Ayutla Revolution

    The Ayutla Revolution
    Lead by Juan Alvarez with a group of liberals that came back from exile: Melchor Ocampo, Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada and Benito Juarez end Santa Anna dictatorship elections for a constitutional congress.
  • Reforma War (liberals vs. conservatives)

    Reforma War (liberals vs. conservatives)
    The liberal constitution of 1857 caused disagreement among the conservatives groups.
    Ignacio Comonfort pacted the cancellation of the constitution so Juarez fought to defend the constitution.
  • Second French Intervention

    Second French Intervention
    Juarez won the reforma war
    - Juarez suspended all the debt payment to foreign countries
    - Spain, UK and France landed in Veracruz
    - France took Mexico city.
  • Second Empire (Maximiliano I)

    Second Empire (Maximiliano I)
    The conservatives negotiated with the Vatican and France the creation of an European Monarchy in Mexico.
    1864-> Maximilian of Habsburg was declared Emperor of Mexico.
  • The Restored Republic

    The Restored Republic
    Period in which Juarez gets back to the power in 1867 until Porfirio Diaz becomes president in 1876
  • Noria Plan (Diaz)

    Noria Plan (Diaz)
    In the elections of 1871 Juarez did not obtain a clear majority against Lerdo de Tejada and Porfirio Diaz. Diaz started an uprising (Plan de la Noria) but he was defeated.
  • Porfirio Diaz Regime

    Porfirio Diaz Regime
    1872- Juarez died
    1875- Lerdo de Tejada won the elections but J. María Iglesias and Porfirio Diaz denounced fraud.
    1876- Dias takes the power through the Tuxtepec Plan
  • Reforma Laws and New Constitution

    Reforma Laws and New Constitution
    In veracruz Juarez promotes a series of laws that seek to compete the liberal reform.
    1. Separation of state and church
    2. Civil registry and calendar
    3. Freedom of religion
    4. Nationalization of the Church property