Mexican 640

Mexico 1919-1939

  • Emilio Zapata assassinated

    Emilio Zapata assassinated
    Zapata was the leader of the Mexican revolution. He formed an army of peasant farmers in the state of Morelos. They opposed the central Mexican government. For doing this he was eventually assassinated by government forces.
  • Mexican revolution ends

    Mexican revolution ends
    The revolution began in 1910. it ended dictatorship in Mexico and made a constitutional republic. It was lead by Francisco Madero, Pascual Orozco, Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata 500 Americans were killed and 2,000,000 Mexicans were killed.
  • Mexican cultural revolution

    Mexican cultural revolution
    The Mexican president, Obregón put a series of cultivate reformers into place. He also instituted an educational reform led by Jose Vasconcelos. This enabled a cultural revolution in Mexico, which began art work done by artist like Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.
  • Álvaro Obregón assasination

    Álvaro Obregón assasination
    Álvaro Obregón was the president from 1920-1924. he brought order to mexico after political upheval and cival war. after retirement he gain much land, but while out dinning he was shot by a roman catholic named jose de leon toral, because he thought Obregon was the reason for christian persecution.
  • the Great Depression in mexico

    the Great Depression in mexico
    The Great Depression's effect on mexico was drop in national income and internal demand. Mexico did not feel the full effects of the Great Depression as other countries did.
  • Cristero War

    Cristero War
    the Cristero War was the struggle against the rule of the Secularist, anti-catholic, and anticlerical Mexican government. also when the Mexican President Plutarco Elías Calles tryed to take away power from the catholic church. it started in 1926 and lasted untile 1929.
  • Lazoar Cardenas elected President

    Lazoar Cardenas elected President
    Lazaro Cardenas, former general, was elected president. He revived the social revolution, lead reforms and distribted more land to pesants than any other.
  • Mexican Expropriation of Foreign Oil

    Mexican Expropriation of Foreign Oil
    Mexican President Lázaro Cárdenas signed an order that took away the assets of nearly all of the foreign oil companies operating in Mexico. Then he made Petróleos Mexicanos, also caled PEMEX, and that held a monopoly over the Mexican oil industry. He then stoped all foreign oil companies operatin mexico.
  • Mexican Professional Baseball Hall of Fame Formed

    Mexican Professional Baseball Hall of Fame Formed
    in spanish it is Salón de la Fama del Beisbol Profesional de México commonly known as Salón de la Fama. to get in you must be a former player, director, sportswriter, or umpire who participated in Mexican professional baseball, or be of mexican nationality who has played any organized baseball.
  • The National Action Party

    The National Action Party
    this political party was formed by Manuel Gómez Morín. He wanted there to be a permenant political party in mexico.