Founding of San Antonio
The area was explored by Spanish expeditions in 1691 and 1709, which named the San Antonio River and San Pedro Creek. -
The Battle Medina
Guiterrez magee army was defeated. -
Adams-Onis Treaty
Estabished Sabine River as the border of Texas. -
Moses Austin recieves land grant from Spain
Hoping to recover from bankruptcy, Moses Austin meets with Spanish authorities in San Antonio to ask permission for 300 Anglo-American families to settle in Texas. -
Stephen F. Austin
Founded the first anglo colony in Texas. -
Stephen F. Austin settels the "Old 300"
Austin settles 300 families. -
Mexico wins its independance from Spain
The involvement of the Indians and the mestizos in the war of independence turned what had been a political maneuver into a class struggle. Hidalgo was captured and executed by the Spaniards before Mexico gained its independence. -
James Long
Filibuster is shot and killed, declared Texas independent from from Spain. -
Mexican Federal Constitution of 1824
Resrict slavery, representive government, ownership of private property. -
Green Dewitt
Established the town of Gonzales. -
Mier y Teran Report
Mier reports that Texas is becoming less Mexican and recomendes more Mexican troops in Texas and sending in more European settlers into Texas. -
Mexican Pres Guerro ends slavery in Texas
Although only about 22,000 Texas families, approximately one in four, owned slaves, and most slave-holders lived in the eastern part of the state, most Texans believed that slavery was vital for continued prosperity. -
Law of April 6
This law canceled nearly all Empasarios contracts. -
Turtle Bayou Resolutions
States that settlers support the Mexican Constitution of 1824.