California Farming
California has a lot of farm land for many people and jobs are open, bringing Mexicans -
Period: to
Mexicans Moving
Over 55,000 Mexicans came over to America to find work -
Mexican Revolution
Mexico then could not afford to pay their citizens fleeing to the U.S. -
Mexican Labor Rights
Mexicans were then treated badly in the fields and the jobs that they did, making rights to help -
U.S. Border Patrol created
To help Americans not let Mexicans onto their land -
Branceneros come in World War 2
The Mexicans come to help on the ranches (millions of mexicans) when the Americans were gone in the war -
Operation Wetback
U.S immagration service deports more than 3.8 million people of Mexican heritage -
(N.F.W.A.) National Farm Workers Association
Ceasar Chavez organizes the nfwa in Delano california -
Immmigartion and Naturalization Act
the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
NAFTA comes into affect stimulating trade between the U.S.4 and mexico. Massive increases in border populations occur due to the treaty.