Santa Anna signs Treaty
Houston discovered Santa Anna disguised in peasant clothes. Later Houston forced Santa Anna to sign the treaty. The treaty was to recognize Texas as an independent state and accept its Southern border at the Rio Grande. -
Battle of San Jacinto
The battle of San Jacinto occurred when Houston's army attacked general Santa Anna and the Mexican army at the San Jacinto river. 600 mexican troops were killed within minutes. -
Beginning of Mexican American
The Mexican American war began. It began because of Santa Anna signing Texas as an independent state and the Mexican government rejecting the treaty. Also because the Mexican army crossed the Rio Grande -
The Return of General Santa Anna
General Santa Anna returned to take command of the Mexican army. He led 15,000 men against the U.S. in the Battle of Buena Vista. -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
This treaty brought the U.S and Mexico together to declare peace between each other. This treaty granted the U.S almost half of Mexico's territory. Nine days after the treaty was signed gold was found in California. The southern border was set at the Rio Grande. The treaty recognized Texas a part of the U.S. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo brought an end to open war between the U.S and Mexico. However, it did not end the mistrust both side felt for each other.