Mexican-American War by Katie Fletcher

  • Stephen Austin moves 300 families to Texas

  • Period: to

    Mexican-American War

  • Stephen Austin goes to Mexico City to Press for Texas Statehood (Convention of 1833)

  • Texas Independance

  • The Battle of the Alamo

  • The Battle of San Jacinto

  • James K. Polk elected president of the United States

  • Zachary Taylor sends toops across the Nueces River; Battle of Palo Alto

  • Polk writes letter to congress, asking for war with Mexico

  • The Bear Flag Republic is declared

  • Manuel Armijo surrenders New Mexico

  • Stephen Kearny accepts California to the United States

  • Winfield Scott captures Veracruz

  • Mexico City Surrenders

  • Los Ninos Heroes jump to their deaths rather than surrender

  • Trist goes to Mexico to discuss terms to ending the war

  • The Treaty of Guadalupe is written

  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ratified; Article 10 is deleted from the treaty

  • Henry David Thoreau writes Civil Disobedience