Mexican American War

By nk18560
  • Settlers

    populated Texas state on the condition settlers convert to Catholicism and assume Mexican citizenship. Settlers from Mexico move to new State of Texas. Mexicans had to agree to catholicism and keep Mexican citizenship after new Republic of Mexico
  • Period: to

    Mexican American War

  • American Texans

    American Texans
    30,000 Americans now live in Texas. Only 8,000 Mexicans. Americans were banned form moving to Mexico, but move there anyways.
  • Texians

    American settlers of Texas decide to rebel against Mexicans in Texas.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    Santa Anna was captured and forced to sign these treaties. The Treaties of Velasco were made to get rid of the men he led in battle. Texas claims Independence.
  • Alamo

    The Fall of the Alamo. All but two Texian defenders were killed.
  • Exile

    Santa Anna was exiled to Cuba.
  • Congress/Texas.

    congress decides to take Texas awy from Mexico.
  • General Taylor

    General Taylor
    Gen. Taylor takes 2,200 men to the Rio Grande. to set up Fort Texas.
  • Resaca De Palma

    Resaca De Palma
    200 Mexican soldiers were killed and 39 Americans were killed.
  • Congress Declares War

    Congress Declares War
    Learns about the passed conflicts and declares war because of those altercations.
  • Mexican Congress Declares War

    Mexican Congress Declares War
    Mexican Congress declares war on the U.S.
  • El Paso

    El Paso
    Americans take El Paso from the Mexico and no American was killed.
  • Battle of Buena Vista

    Battle of Buena Vista
    Americans beat Santa Anna. Americans lose 267. Santa Anna loses 1,800
  • Scott invasion

    Scott invasion
    General Scott reaches Mexico City. Santa Anna retreats to Guadalupe.
  • Finish Line

    Finish Line
    Mexico loses New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, California, and Arizona