Mexican American History

  • Period: to

    The Squatters and the Don by Maria Ruiz de Burton

    This fictional novel documents the many Californio that lost their land due to squatters and litigations. This book also dicusses the Land Act and the monopoly in Caifornia at tha time.
  • U.S. railroads recruit Mexicans

    U.S. railroads recruit Mexicans
    Through 1890s to the early 1900s U.S railroads recruited Mexicans to work as laborers, it was said by the early 1900s that almost 16,000 Mexicans were recruited and working. This was a major part in Mexican American history.
  • Mexican Immigration in the U.S

    Mexican Immigration in the U.S
    Beginning around the 1890s, new industries in the U.S. Southwest-especially mining and agriculture-attracted Mexican migrant laborers. They also seeked employments in other areas as well.
  • Mexican American Women

    Mexican American Women
    Mexican American womens culture was connected to the Indian women, in the 1890s Mexican women participated in women-only sociedades mutualistas such as the Sociedad Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez. Sociedades mutualistas provided Mexican Americans with crucial support.
  • The Marimba

    The Marimba
    The marimba is a musical instrument consisting a set of wooden bars struck with mallets to produce musical tones that the Mexican American culture played and later adapted to diiferent cultures.
  • Juan Sequin

    Juan Sequin
    Juan Sequin was a political military figure of the Texas Revolution helping to establish the independence of Texas. In 1890, he died, he was the long survivor of the Alamo
  • El hijo de la tempestad by Eusebio Chacon

    Famous novel during the time in English means The Son of a Storm
  • Tras la Tormenta la Calma by Eusebio Chacon

    Another famous novel by Eusebio Chacon in 1892
  • The Return of the Malon by Angel Della Valle

    The Return of the Malon by Angel Della Valle
    This painting depicts the Mapuche warriors surprise attack on the white populations.
  • "Dr. Atl"

    "Dr. Atl"
    Gerardo Murillo Cornado played a major part in history became one of the youngest artists to be able to move from Mexico to pursue his career in art after being granted pension from his job by President Porfirio Diaz. He paved the way for young Mexican artists all over.
  • Alianza Hispano-Americano founded by Pedro Pellon, Carlos Velasco, and Mariano Samaniego

    Alianza Hispano-Americano founded by Pedro Pellon, Carlos Velasco, and Mariano Samaniego
    Started as fraternal benefit society and is best known for Mexican American protection from discrimation and economic deprivation
  • Patio de Exconvento de San Agustin by Jose Maria Velasco

    Patio de Exconvento de San Agustin by Jose Maria Velasco
    While Velasco was enrolled in San Carlos, the painting theme really focused on Mexico culture. Painters there usually focused on religious, mythological or historical themes but Velasco usually painted nature and his surrounds. This painting showed a different side of Velasco that connected him with his homeland Mexico.
  • Self-portrait by Jose Maria Velasco

    Self-portrait by Jose Maria Velasco
    Self-portrait of Jose Maria Velasco
  • Adina Emilia De Zavala

    Adina Emilia De Zavala
    Adina Emilia De Zavala was a teacher and preservationist of Texas history. She was a big help in the Mexicans win in the Alamo. She was later in 1890s rewarded in jonored inTexas for her acts.
  • The Valley of Mexico from the Santa Isabel Mountain Range by Jose Maria Velasco

    The Valley of Mexico from the Santa Isabel Mountain Range by Jose Maria Velasco
    This painting represents an important period in the developments of Mexico's national identify and an important chapter in the history of Mexican art.
  • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    Among other states in the U.S this treaty was signed in 1896 in Utah, it entitled the treaty of peace, friendships, limits, and settlement between the U.S and Mexico Republic that ended the war.
  • El Padre Eterno by Jose Maria Velasco

    El Padre Eterno by Jose Maria Velasco
    This pictured depicted what Jose Maria Velasco described God to look like, even though he was more of a painter that painted the things around him, he took a step forward out of his comfort zone.
  • El Progreso by Jose Escobar and Eusebio Chacon

    First Spanish-language newspaper in the U.S, Chacon they spoke out against anti-Hispanic prejudices in the southwest part of the U.S.
  • Spanish-American War

  • Mexican Chile Con Carne

    Mexican Chile Con Carne
    Mexican Ameican food that was originally started in the 1890s that consisted of beef, pork, and different spices