Mexican American

  • stopping anglo immigration

    stopping anglo immigration
    mexico began to take measurements and stop the influx of anglo immigration and for anglo to get mad and stop them from keeping coming to texas, mexico passed a law which was that the slaves were to be freed
  • first battle of the Alamo

    first battle of the Alamo
    the mexican lost the first battle between Austin's army they surrounded the mexican troops for 41 days and later on the mexicans finally surrendered & withdrew from texas
  • survey team in texas

    survey team in texas
    during the first battle the alamo the anglos won. Austin's army surround the mexicans troops for 41 days. this was Important because the mexican fought for slavery, immigration rights
  • battle of jacinto

    battle of jacinto
    Houston's army attacked general santa anna and his army at the San Jacinto River. 600 mexican troops were killed within minutes
  • treaty of hidalgo

    treaty of hidalgo
    peace treaty between america and mexico which limits their settlement and peace