Mexican-American events

  • The Currency Act

    The Currency Act
    The curency act was a series of laws passed in 1764 by the British government so they could be able to control the colonial population by having control over their currency system.
  • The Boston Massacre. March 1770:

    The Boston Massacre. March 1770:
    Eight British soldiers unreasonably killed five Americans and wounded six, this lead to great anger within the citizens.
  • Boston Tea party. December 16 1773:

    Boston Tea party. December 16 1773:
    Britain sent hundreds of tea chests to the Boston port, all of these were destroyed upon arrival by disguised men.
  • American Revolution. April 19 1775-September 1783

    American Revolution. April 19 1775-September 1783
    Caused by previous conflicts, Americans fought off Britain and declared independence in July 4 1783, however battles continued until September.
  • The Lousiana Purchase

    The Lousiana Purchase
    The Louisina purchase in 1803 consisted on Thomas Jefferson buying approximately 828,000,000 square miles of territory (it nearly doubled the size of the US) from France for only $15 millions.
  • Independence September 16 1810-August 24 1821

    Independence September 16 1810-August 24 1821
    Caused by discomfort from both Indians and , organized by Miguel Hidalgo, however he did not plan independence originally
  • Agustin Iturbide´s coronation 1822:

    Agustin Iturbide´s coronation 1822:
    When Agustin Iturbide was coroneted, ridiculous expenses were made, and these affected severely the already damaged economy of Mexico.
  • Iguala Plan February 1st 1823

    Iguala Plan February 1st 1823
    Not so long after Iturbide was crowned, Santanna began a revolution with the aid of many citizens. Santanna became president.
  • Provisional government of Mexico (1823-1824):

    Provisional government of Mexico (1823-1824):
    After Iturbide´s empire the liberals set a provisional government called triumvirate, formed by Nicolas Bravo, Guadalupe Victoria and Celestino Negrete. The goal of this triumvirate was to form a federal republic.
  • French Intervetntion April 16 1838

    French Intervetntion April 16 1838
    One of the first international conflicts after Mexico´s independence, began as a demand for lots of money, but escalated quickly.
  • Mexican American war. April 25, 1846- February 2-1848

    Mexican American war. April 25, 1846- February 2-1848
    Caused by Mexico´s refusal of selling Texas, questioned by many in the USA, Texas is eventually annexed to the USA.
  • The war of 1847:

    The war of 1847:
    This war was between the United States and Mexico. They fought because the US wanted to take more land from Mexico. In the end the US took Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and parts of other states. This conflict lasted for about two years and it took a toll on the economy of both countries.
  • The Reform Laws (Lerdo Law) of 1857:

    The Reform Laws (Lerdo Law) of 1857:
    These laws were made by the liberals with the objective of keeping at bay the power of the conservative church. The Lerdo Law dictated that the church couldn´t have land that wasn´t used for religious matters, and if so the government could sell it and keep the money, so their economy would improve.
  • Liberal and Conservative war

    Liberal and Conservative war
    Conflict between liberals and conservative, due to the radical ideas proposed for the government. Juarez and were the leaders.
  • Treaties McLane Ocampo and Mon Almonte in 1859:

    Treaties McLane Ocampo and Mon Almonte in 1859:
    These treaties were signed by the liberals (with the USA) and conservatives (with Spain) respectively during the war of reform (1857). Both treaties gave each party economic and military aid.
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War
    The civil war in 1861 was a very bloody conflict between the northern and southern part of the country over the abolishment of slavery. It is estimated that this war cost over $100 millions.
  • 13th Amendment. December 13th 1865

    13th Amendment. December 13th 1865
    It´s the outcome of the Civil War after the North´s victory. Slavery is officially abolished in all of the USA.
  • The Knights of Labor

    The Knights of Labor
    The knights of labor were a relatively violent group of workers that seeked laboral rights such as equal pay for equal work, only eight hour shifts and abolishment of child labor. They made many strikes and boycotts to achive their objectives.
  • Porfiriato November 28 1876-May 25 1911

    Porfiriato November 28 1876-May 25 1911
    For more than 30 years Porfirio Diaz ruled Mexico. While many poor citizens disliked him, he made great industrial progress.
  • Industiralization

    During the 1880s the USA became the fastest growing industrial country because of many tecnological outbursts in the country and because of that they had a radical (positive) change in their industrial economy.