Creation of Methamphetamine
Methamphetamine is synthesized from another stimulant by Nagayoshi a Japanese chemist. The original purpose of this man made drug was to treat medical conditions such as narcolepsy, asthma, and weight loss. -
Smith, Kline and French
Smith, Kline, and French Pharmaceutical markets amphetamine inhalers that didn't require a prescription to treat asthma and nasal congestion. Manufacturers also develop a pill form of the inhaler medicine Benzedrine to treat narcolepsy. -
Methamphetamine and World War 2 Troops
The German pharmaceutical company Temmler, markets Pervitin a non-prescription drug that heightened the alertness of the individual that takes it. The drug also increased the willingness of an individual to take risk. The drug was given was reportedly given to troops to help them fight fatigue and stay awake. -
Bennies Epidemic
Recreational use of Benzedrine "bennies," become popular in America. -
The Food and Drug Administration attempt to put a stop to the recreational use of Benzedrine by requiring prescriptions to be written for the drug. At the same time the the harsh effects of amphetamines become known (delusions, paranoia, abnormal heartbeat, and potential heart failure). -
Illicit Drug
The United States declares meth illegal. Meth also known as crystal meth is an illicit drug that can cause significant damage to the central nervous system with prolonged exposure to the drug. Symptoms of long term abuse of meth can include but aren't limited to: delirium, panic, psychosis, heart failure, dental problems (meth mouth), extreme weight loss, hallucinations and other side effects. -
Rules and Regulation
The crack down begins in the 1980's on the use of Ephedrine. Ephedrine is a naturally occurring substance derived from the Ephedras plant (methamphetamine is the man made drug meant to mimic the effects of this naturally occurring substance). The crack down saw an emergence of illegal meth labs and the use of pseduoephedrine (a common chemical found in cold medicine) to make meth since ephedrine was not readily available. -
Period: to
Explosion of Crystal Meth
The use of crystal meth explodes across the country and the world. Methamphetamine use rises from 2% to 5% within the U.S. population -
Congressional Acts
Congress passe the Combat Methamphetamine Act (CMEA). CMEA is an extension of the Patriot Act whose main goal is to stop the use of illegal drugs -
World Health Organization
The World Health Organization states that meth is the most abused drug in the world. -
Decline of Meth Use
Meth use declines with new stipulations put in place to limit the amount of over the counter drugs that people can purchase that has pseudoephedrine in them. -
Deaths related to meth double from 1,400 in 2010 to just over 4,000 in -
National Drug Threat Survey
Reports from 30% of agencies that complete surveys for the National Drug Threat reported that meth was the biggest drug problem in their communities. -
Drug Bust
The amount of meth seized at the borders of America tripled between 2012 and 2018. Mexico supplies the largest amount of meth to the United states.