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    The Last Great Empire

    The Last Great Empire
    The final great people to rule over the majority of Mesopotamia, the Greeks took over while still under the rule of Darius I. Shortly after, Alexander the Great moved through the country taking it over. After his reign, Mesopotamia lost its seat as a world power.
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    The Persian Rule

    The Persian Rule
    Under the rule of Cyrus the great, the Persian people overthrow the Assyrian rule and take control over Mesopotamia. It is then that Mesopotamia is divided into smaller city-states under the rule of another Persian king, Darius the first. They were originally named "satraps".
  • Sep 6, 705

    A capital is born

    A capital is born
    By decree of the king at the time, a new capital city is built. Commissioned by the mesopotamians, it was built by the ancient Egyptians. The new capital city was from then on known as Nimveh, and was the longest standing city of the Mesopotamian era. Here, the largest library and collection of cuneiform tablets and Mesopotamian texts ever assembled were gathered.
  • Sep 6, 1250

    The Assyrians use iron to take the throne

    The Assyrians use iron to take the throne
    After the death of king Hammurabi, the Babylonian empire began to decline. As they lost power, the Assyrians, under the lead of Samlaseer, began to retake their hold on Mesopotamia. They came this time with iron weapons and tools cultivated during their new Iron Age. After defeating the Babylonians, the Assyrians retook the throne.
  • Babylon takes rule

    Babylon takes rule
    King Hammurabi, a well known babylonian king, began to occupy parts of Mesopotamia. After defeating the Assyrians, Hammurabi himself takes throne, and by his rule created the first set of laws to govern Mesopotamia. By his order some great monuments and buildings were built, over all he was one of the best kings of Babylon.
  • Another change in power

    Another change in power
    After what was thought to have been an extremely long drought, Mesopotamia became weak and the Akkadian Empire lost power. As they lost political and military might, the Assyrians began to move in and take grip and control of the country.
  • A change in power

    A change in power
    While being the founders of Mesopotamia, the Sumerians were definitely not the only ones to rule it. The Sumerians were overthrown by the Akkadian Empire under the rule of Sargon the Great who occupied the country for hundreds of years. However in 1990 BC, a new power took Mesopotamia.
  • The creation of language

    The creation of language
    As Mesopotamia grew as a civilization, the Sumerians began to realize that as their population was growing larger and larger. In order to keep track of everyone's belongings, they devised a system to organize both public and government belongings. The first written language in existence is created by the Sumerians. It consists mainly of pictographs, and was created to keep track business transactions, government records and ownership rights.
  • The dawn of religion

    The dawn of religion
    Around 4000 B.C, the early Sumerians establish temples to gods in the centers of their villages and towns. These stepstone pyramids made of clay and brick known as ziggurats also function as a shelter against the Tigris and Euphrates rivers constant flooding.
  • The creation of Mesopotamia

    The creation of Mesopotamia
    The earliest known archeological findings about Mesopotamia dates back to 5000 BC, and it is assumed that at this time the original Mesopotamians practiced agriculture and farming. It is thought that these same people were actually the ancient Sumerians and were responsible for the founding of agriculture in southern Mesopotamia, and created some of the first farming villages in this area.
  • Period: to 300

    The history of Mesopotamia

    From its founding to its fall, Mesopotamia is an ancient civilization with an rich history that deserves to be told. This is that chronological telling.