Meriweather lewis charles willson peale

Meriwether Lewis

  • Birth of Meriwether Lewis

    Lewis was born to William Lewis and Lucy Meriwether. He lived with his parents in Albemarle County, Virginia.
  • Period: to

    The Whiskey Rebellion

    Lewis, upon graduation, joined the Virginia militia. He was sent to assist in putting down the Whiskey Rebellion.
  • Lewis Graduated

    Lewis Graduated
    After having no formal education until age thirteen, Lewis' mother and stepfather sent him to school. He graduated from Washington and Lee University.
  • Joins Army

    Joins Army
    After the Whiskey Rebellion, Lewis was commissioned as an Ensign.
  • Becomes Captain

    ne of his commanding officers happened to be William Clark.
  • Thomas Jefferson's Aide

    Thomas Jefferson's Aide
    President Thomas Jefferson appointed Lewis to be his aide. Lewis moved into the presidential mansion. His job was to complied information on personnel and politics of the U.S. Army.
  • Period: to

    The Corps of Discovery

    After the Louisiana Purchase, Jefferson wanted a direct and practical water communication across the continent and an accurate vision of the new land and resources. Lewis was asked by the President to lead the first transcontinental expedition. Lewis and Clark returned from the pacific with a wealth of information, maps, and plant and animal specimens.
  • Appointed Governor

    Appointed Governor
    After his return from the expedition, Lewis was appointed governor of the Louisiana Territory by President Jefferson. Jefferson rewarded him with 1,600 acres of land. They also agreed to publish the Corps of Discovery journals.
  • Lewis dies

    Lewis dies
    Lewis died at an inn near Nashville, Tennessee. His body was found and the cause of death is unknown but violent. He had been on his way to Washington, D.C., at the time.
  • Lewis Buried

    Meriwether Lewis was buried in an unmarked grave. Wilson, friend of Lewis and well known ornithologist erected a fence and marker for his gravesite.