'Merica That Also Should Have Featured Former U.S. President Richard Nixon but Unfortunately That Didn't Pan Out so Now It's Just a Normal Interactive Timeline
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French and Indian War
The French and Indian war was a conflict that occurred in North America other wise known as the 7 years war. The war was largely between France and Great Britain. -
Sons of Liberty
Created in 1775 to defend the rights of the colonists and help fight off taxation. they played a role in the Stamp act of 1765 -
Stamp Act of 1765
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For American colonists, a tax had to payed on all paper goods, including things such as playing cards. Colonists opposed the tax not because of the price, but because if this tax were to pass without resistance, then it would open the door to more taxation. -
The fourth and final Townshend Act was passed
The Townshend Act was a set of laws passed by the British government on the colonists. It took away certain freedoms as well as put taxes on things such as lead, tea, paper, paint, and glass. -
Boston Massacre
The Townshend Acts, a set of recently imposed taxes by the British, upset colonists as they felt it was a violation of their rights. What started as an argument between a few colonists and a British soldier grew after backup soldiers arrived, angering the colonists and growing more hostile towards the soldiers. Eventually, they fired into the crowd, killing 5. -
Boston Tea Party
342 chests of tea, which today would have been worth over one million dollars, were thrown into the Boston Harbor as a form of retribution against the East India Company. This happened because the colonies were told this was the only tea they could drink, and they disliked this because they were forced to drink this specific tea that was taxed for the British. -
Intolerable Acts
These were a series of laws passed by Britain as a result of and punishment for the Boston Tea Party, the name coming from the fact that the colonists could not tolerate the recently imposed laws. These laws ranged from things such as the Boston Harbor being closed until all the spilled tea was payed for to forcing colonists to house soldiers -
The First Continental Congress meets
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the first Continental Congress met in Carpenters Hall 12 out of the th -
Battles of Lexington and Concord
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These two battles kicked off the American Revolution.The Americans came out victorious in both battles. -
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Battle of Yorktown
The British Army, retreating from another battle, became surrounded and vastly outnumbered by George Washingtons' troops and the French Navy at Yorktown. After being bombarded and fearing another attack after their list of demands failed, 8,000 British troops surrendered. -
Treaty of Paris Signed
The Treaty of Paris (1783 version) was signed between Britain and the Colonies. The treaty required Britain to to recognize the colonies as free and independent and forced Britain to agree that they had no claim or control of the land anymore -
The Great Compromise
It was an agreement that defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have in the Untied States -
Constitution is Ratified
The Articles of Confederation, the original document that outlined our government, had massively failed and a new on was needed. While one state, Delaware, adopted our current constitution in 1787, it wasn't officially adopted until 1790 when the last state accepted it (thanks Rhode Island) -
Bill of Rights adopted
A process that occurred roughly three months earlier, congress transmitted 12 new amendments to the Constitution other wise know as the Bill of Rights.