1st day of the menstrual cycle
on day 1 menstruation begins with the females period. ussually thi last about 3 to 7 days. -
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whats the sex!
The babies scalp hair should be visible and growing. The babies sex should be reconizable and the heart should be visible during an ultrasound. -
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around the second week of menstruation which is between days 7-14 the uterus lining thickens up. This thickening in the uterus is happening so that the egg/fetus is protected wih cushion during pregnancy. -
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Bones and Muscle growth
The babys skeletal system is still developing but is slowly getting stronger and thicker. The baby can make fists now and the baby weighs about 2.5 ounces and 4 cm long now (week 15) -
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Half Way
The mother and the baby are now half way throught he pregnancy. The baby is now weighing at 11 ounces and is about 7 inches long. -
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on the third week the egg will travel down the fallopian tube to be fertilized. Once the egg is fertilizd it immediately begins dividing, during its way down into the uterus. -
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Cell Dividing
during the fourth week the cells begin dividing starting off with splitting into two cells then into four and so on and so forth. Once the egg reaches the uterus the fertilized egg begins to burrow into the lining of the uterus. -
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Embryonic Stage
during week five many things are growing and developing to start serving nutrients to the blastocyst (the egg). The embryo rapidely begins growing while amniotc fluid is building up and half of the blastocyst is attatched to the uterine wall to soon become the placenta while the other half will become the baby. -
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heart begins to beat
at about six weeks after a womens menstrual period the babys heart beat can be detected. The placenta and umbilical chord begin to start functioning so that nutrients and oxygen can be transported to the baby. -
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Growing Limbs
At this time the mother is 7 weeks pregnant and the baby is beginning to form into the shape of a human. many folds, limbs, chambers, heart, brain, and spinal chord are developing into its useful funtion. As well the embryo is around 13 mm long and still growing. -
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the baby at week eight begins to starts moving while its limbs and fetures are still growing into shape. The babys features are becoming more noticable and this is ussually when then the mother has her first prenatal visit. This visit will be for the mothers health past and records to make sure the health of the baby is protected. -
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head, shoulders, knees, and toes
during this time (week 9) the baby is growing rapidl exspecialy the brain, causing the head to look bigger than the rest of the body. The embryo has grown up to 30 mm and the eyelids, fingers, toes, teeth, ears and other body parts are continuing to grow. -
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I am now a Fetus!!!
The baby is no longer a embryo and is now a fetus. The baby is almost redy to grow its testis or ovaries depending on its sex. The fingers, toes, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and booty are now more reconizable in its form. The baby has also formed into own fingerprints. -
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Nuerons Multiply
The baby is begining to develop its taste buds. The brain is still growing rapidly producing 250,000 nerve cell every minute. The babies eyelids also became shut and wont open until week 27 comes. Its still too early to tell the sex of the baby but it is definitely close. At this time if its a boy the testicles will begin to form and the body will be producing the male sex hormone testosterone. -
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Nails Appear
At 12 weeks the babys brain has fully developed and the baby has fingernails and toenails. The mother now can see her baby on and ultrasound and actually see the form of a babies face at this point of time. The baby can feel, cry, hiccup, and suck its thumb. -
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Kick! Kick!
the fetus is now 3 in.long and the mother can feel kicks from this point on until birth. It can be slightly possible to figure out the sex of the fetus but could take longer if needed. The baby has also begun producing insulin which is a hormonethat controls blood glucose. -
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The baby has begun peeing in the amneotic fluid. For the boys the prostate gland is developing and for the girls the ovaries begin lowering down to the pelvis. -
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Baby Actor
facial expressions are possible now at week 16. The baby has also learned how to breath by breathing in some of the amniotic fluid. The baby also has a layer of protective softdown to help regulate the babies temperature. -
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Fat Accumulates
The fetus and umbilical chord are hetting thicker by storing fat for the temperature of the outside world when its born. Also all of the amniotic fluid, nutrients, and cell loss has accumilated for the begining of the babues first stool/ bowel movement. -
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The baby is building a protective wax layer over its skin called vernix. The baby also can hear sounds from inside the mothers body that can possibly startle it every once in a while. -
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Nourishment Evolves
The babies bone marrow has begun creating blood cells while this small intestines have started absorbing sugars. The baby is slowly getting fatter every day. -
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Taste Buds
The eyebrow and eyelids ofthe baby are fully developed at this stage now. The baby is able hear everything going on outside of its mothers stomach, and can sometimes react to the sounds. Tastebuds are also begining to form on the babies toungue. -
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Skin Pigment
The baby is moving a lot in the womb now. The baby is also begining to start forming pigment on their skin. -
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Just Keep Breathing
The baby gains about 3 ounces this week. The babies lungs are now forming branches for the respiratory system while the baby is still practicing how to breathe by using amniotic fluid. -
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Exploration Continues
The baby at this point is pretty well developed. Although the babies skin is still very thin and the baby does not have a lot of body fat. The baby can also clasp objects into its hands now. -
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End of Second Trimester
At week 26 the baby measures at 14 in. long. The babies eyes ussually begin to slowly open around this week. -
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Almost ready!
By week 27 the eyes should be open. Most of the babies at this point will look like how they will when they are born. -
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parent recognition
The fetus now had its own intervals for sleeping time and time to be awake. Also at this time the branches of the lungs are pretty much fully grown so if the baby is born prematurely it has at least a 90% chance of still surviving. -
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movement is more forceful
The baby can taste and respond to pain. The baby also has their milk teeth fully developed under their gums. The baby at this time moves a lot and at times if the baby kicks, hits, or even somersaults it may feel like they are doing a lot more than what they really are. They cant move as much since their space keeps on decreasing every week. -
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On Its Own
The baby is now 16 in long and weighs about 3 pounds. The baby is now slowly stsrting to have to do things on its own since its almost time to leave the mothers womb. -
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Detecting Light
The babies eyeshave been very sensitive to light seen outside the womb but now the eyes are learning how to adjust on the different contrasts of light. It is prefered to read to the baby and play music to the baby to help it get use to sound. -
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Development continues
During the 32 week time period the baby sleeps most of the day. This happens because although the baby may want to move a lot the baby doesnt have much room to since it is getting bigger. -
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Lanugo is Dissapearing
The baby drinks about a pint of amniotic fluid every day when its practicing how to breathe. Drinking milk is important for the mothers because it helps the babies bones get stronger. -
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Rapid Growth Continues
The baby is approximateely 18 in long and weighs about 5.25 pounds. The skin is becoming less wrinkled. -
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reflexes are coordinated
Babies gain about a half a pound per week within the last month. The lungs are almost fully developed and reflexes are developed. -
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baby may drop into the birth canal
During the 36th week the baby can drop into the birth canal. When babies are in the birth canal most are already in the correct birth position. -
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"at term" pregnancy
Within this time the mothers water could break at any time. The head diameter of a baby is approximetely 3.5 in. -
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development is complete
At this point of time the babies skin should no longer be wrinkly but instead be really smooth. Also the babies body fat continues to bring an ounce of fat everyday to the mother. -
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Very Close Now
Most of the babies lanugo should have dissapeared. The baby should have reached its final birth position ready to leave its mothers womb. -
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Due Date Arrives!!!
The baby should be fully developed and ready to be delivered. Contractions is a big part when giving birth to help push out the baby and bring a new life into the world.