Men's Apparel 1800-1850

By ceary
  • Point 1- 1800s

    Point 1- 1800s
    In the early 1800s, men's apparel went through drastic changes due to the French Revolution. One of the main pieces that completed the male ensemble throughout this decade was shirts made of linen or white cotton with very high stand collars that skimmed the jaw. Neckwear was a crucial element of a man's wardrobe.
  • Point 2- 1810s

    Point 2- 1810s
    There were very important developments in menswear in the 1810s. The frock coat emerged around 1815 for informal daywear. This evolved from the outerwear greatcoat and military uniforms.
  • Point 3- 1820s

    Point 3- 1820s
    Menswear during this time became evermore influenced by Romantic spirit. Cossacks became popular in this era. They were pleated into a waistband and tapered into a fitted ankle. By 1825, trousers had replaced their predecessor, pantaloons, as general day wear.
  • Point 4- 1830s

    Point 4- 1830s
    There wasn't a ton of changes from last decade to this one. However, by the late 1830s, fine silk replaced beaver felt as the preferred material for headwear (the top hat being the standard choice both day and night).
  • Point 5- 1840s

    Point 5- 1840s
    During this decade, menswear became less exaggerated and grew increasingly understated and somber. Ties were chosen as the ideal neckwear, and the top hat grew 7-8 inches tall from the previous decade. The most visually exciting element of the 1940s was the rich, colorful patterns of the men's vests or waistcoats.