Men's Apparel 1930-1980

  • 1930s

    The trench coat became popular during the 1930s, with a double-breasted front, wide, pointed lapels, and belt around the waist.
  • 1940s

    Air travel was just hitting its stride during the 1940s, and along with its newfound popularity was the birth of the "aviator style." Note the jacket, the hat, and the scarf.
  • 1950s

    Birth of the Preparatory 'Preppy' style. Inspired by collegiate dress codes. Cricket sweaters, grandpa cardigans, and cable knit sweaters.
  • 1960s

    The Swinging Sixties emphasized individual freedom and breaking down the rigid norms of the previous decades. Men became more experimental in their clothing choices, opting for bright colors and patterns. Clothes became tight-fitting. Growing preference of of floral prints for men.
  • 1970s

    Disco was born in 1975, and the psychedelic revolution continued with the popularity of intricate patterns and outlandish patterns. Flared pants, or bell bottoms, were popular among the men. Cinched pants with high waistlines and billowing shirts with butterfly collars went with platform shoes.
  • 1980s

    A more casual vibe was the secret to the eighties fashion sense. The focus was on basic clothing and lighter colors. Oversized shapes and graphic patterns were emphasized. Leisure suits with no socks were some of the favorites.