Men's Apparel 1930-1980

  • 1930s Look 1

    1930s Look 1
    During the 1930s, menswear was greatly influenced by World War II. In fact, the focus of menswear turned solely towards making uniforms for soldiers. Fabrics were restricted and one identifying fashion style that disappeared was trouser cuffs. This can be seen in all of the trousers in this picture.
  • 1940s Look 2

    1940s Look 2
    The biggest change in men's apparel that came to be in this decade was the emergence of sportswear. Suburban living in warm, Southern California created the demand for clothing that could be worn outside of work and for leisure activities. A group of manufacturers from New York soon brought this staple design to the entire nation.
  • 1950s Look 3

    1950s Look 3
    During the 1950s, a popular style among men was the so-called 'greaser' look that consisted of black leather jackets, jeans, t-shirts, and super slicked hairdos. This decade is often referred to as the 'Happy Days' since it followed the struggles of the Great Depression and World War II in the 1930s and 1940s.
  • 1960s Look 4

    1960s Look 4
    The blossoming of men's apparel during this decade can be attributed to British rock groups such as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. The 'mod look' of the Beatles was very popular. The social revolution during this decade also brought about the 'hippie' look: long hair and beards, jeans, tie-dyed t-shirts, denim work shirts, and even sandals.
  • 1970s Look 5

    1970s Look 5
    Technological advances greatly influenced menswear fashion during the 1970s. Specifically, knits that were made from synthetic fibers became extremely popular. At this point in time, a man's outfit could be made entirely of knit clothing!
  • 1980s Look 6

    1980s Look 6
    Like the 1960s, the 1980s brought about a new sense of life to men's fashion. Men could choose whatever style they wanted to wear since a variety of styles became acceptable. "Dress for success" guidelines by John Malloy promoted what became known as the 'power suit' and 'power tie.'