Dev intro


  • 5.1- Child Attachment

    5.1- Child Attachment
    I don't even remember what's going on when I was between the ages of 9 months and 18 months, so I had to asked my mother. My mom already confirmed that I was a securely child when she first had me. She decided to gave me a perfect example of this attachment style. When I was around that ages, we lived in an apartment that had a pool. I was very brave and sassy gal. I kept freaked my parents out by jumped into the pool multiple of times. I didn't know how to swim until I jumped into the pool.
  • 5.2B- Ethnic Identity

    5.2B- Ethnic Identity
    I am already aware of my ethnic identity ever since I was born. I am very exposed by my family and its culture. I am Christian religious myself, yes I have been attending to church every Sundays. Have two interpreters provided for me so I would understand the service itself. I am proud African American, Black, Brown and whatever we called ourselves. My family have several traditional such as weddings, reunions, cookout, Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving and several more. It is part of me today.
  • 4.3- Language

    4.3- Language
    I was born to be Deaf and proud of it. I finally realized that American Sign Language is my naive language when my mom met my former elementary teacher. She would come over to my place to teach me ASL and several other things that I need to know before enter to A. G.Bell. Also when I transferred to Ohio School for the Deaf, it had changed me huge time because all of the teachers are using ASL for direct communication access, so it caught me off guard and realized it is my first language.
  • 4.1- My first Memory

    4.1- My first Memory
    My very first memory when I was three years old. I went out to a park with my family. I have a good relationship with my father and I am daddy's girl ever since I was born. We are such alike in different ways. I used to be a wild child and daring to do many new things out there. One day at the park, I happen to decided to tease my dad out of nowhere by threw my hands out of the air with him. He decided to played around with me and wrestling around on the grass. My mom happened caught a good pic.
  • 6.3- Impact By Death

    6.3- Impact By Death
    I didn't really understand the concept of "death" until my grandmother passed away during my junior year in high school. My family and I had drove down to Virginia for the funeral. It was very beautiful and emotional funeral ever. I have been cried so hard, yes it was really hard on me at first. I known her for 19 years of my life, she taught me many different things. We communicated in gesture way. The five stages, I am more fitting to the acceptance stage. I am aware that everybody had to died
  • 3.2- Older Adult Health

    3.2- Older Adult Health
    I've seen my grandmother suffered all the pain she got. She's currently in a better place. She had been through with different kinds of issues such as high blood pressure, type 1 diabetic, overweight, heart defect and hair loss. She went to the hospital multiple of times. I'm from Ohio, and it makes the whole family go to Virginia because thats where we originally from. It Impacted me because my grandma is hardship with all of those issues, which makes me to do well with my lifestyles.
  • 3.1- My Health

    3.1- My Health
    I was overweight all of my life even though I have participated several sports back in high school. In both of my parents side families have their own issues that affects me. For myself, being overweight did impacted me since it was my wake up call. I finally realized that I wasn't happy with myself after my first year of GU I didn't treated myself right by ate bad food, didn't exercise regularly or drink 8 cups of water everyday. I finally lost over 80 pounds. Im much happier that I used to be.
  • 6.1B- My Birth Order

    6.1B- My Birth Order
    I am the oldest of the three. I am twenty- two year old, very bossy, has a lil mama role to my siblings, good older sister to them two, will do the laundry for the family and that goes the same for cooking the meals. Rayshon Walker, he is the middle child of the three. Yes, he's the only brother I have. The special fact about us is my birthday is a day apart from him and proud scorpios. He is a basketball star at his high school and also is seventeen year old. Keyonna, is the last child and 11.
  • 4.2- Intelligence

    4.2- Intelligence
    Since there are eight type of intelligence, I chose that I suits the most would be Interpersonal Intelligence. I chose Interpersonal Intelligence because I am very outgoing woman. I like to talk from my mind, I also giving out many good advices for those people who trust me to hear them out. I am social butterfly and really good with people and I won as Gallaudet Homecoming Queen of 2016. That's probably why I won because I've always be nice to everyone else and participate with different event
  • 1.1- The Present

    1.1- The Present
    My name is Mekayla Walker. I am 22 years old and currently a student at Gallaudet University majoring in Social Work. I'm very strongly involved with BSU and Gallaudet Cheerleading as a captain. I recently won as Gallaudet Homecoming Queen of 2016. I am currently in a good shape ever since fall 2013. I was over weight such as 245lbs to be specific and I've been working out to make sure I'm healthy and happier than i used to be. I am a extrovert which means i like to hangout with friends and more
  • 6.1- My Family

    6.1- My Family
    My parents got married really at pretty young age since they are in love and just had their 25th years anniversary of marriages on February 28th. My parents made three beautiful children included myself. We all are using American Sign Language all the time when I am around home even though they are all hearing. We are raised by our parent not from any of my family members.
  • 5.1B- Adult Attachment

    5.1B- Adult Attachment
    As for right now, I am in college interacting with my peers everyday is considered as my adult attachment. I live with roommates to the point we had to shares and compromise with some things even though we don't like it at all. But we will always work it out somehow. I am very romantic type of female but currently is single but still mingle to have fun and meeting new faces. Yes, I am secure attachment style in adult.
  • 5.2- Identity

    5.2- Identity
    I felt that I am belong to Identity achievement because I am twenty-two years old and currently in school majoring in Social Work also would like to have a Wedding business someday. I already have goals that I need to work for it. My goal is to work at some Deaf Schools as a social worker and work with my wedding business as my side job. Yes, I've experienced identity confusion when I was senior in high school throughout college and finally found my true identity at Gallaudet University.
  • 5.3- Gender

    5.3- Gender
    I am aware of my own gender such as I am a female. I learned that I am a girl when my mom raised how to dress properly and others that all girls supposed have done that as well. I am very girly and sassy and still doing today. I am very feminist believer, so yes I am proud to be Black, Deaf, and Woman.
  • 5.3B- Sexuality

    5.3B- Sexuality
    I am romantic type of female and also is very straight. Yes, I am interested in men but currently is single and mingle to meet new face to see what happen later in life.
  • 6.2- Learning Disability

    6.2- Learning Disability
    I don't have any learning disability. As for right now, I will go ahead imagine to have a child who has a learning disability. Of course I would go through a shock phrase to the point where I thought I can't mange all of this until I finally know I have all of my family support. I'll be a bigger person to do my own research to help my child's needs. Myself as mother, I know I will do well because I already have a disability "Deaf", so I might some network to help me out with my child and his nee
  • 2.1- Fertility

    2.1- Fertility
    My husband and I just got married last summer in June 2016. Now, we are ready to make a first child. I was expecting a baby in August and I was so thrilled until few weeks later I got miscarriage for the first time. It was devastated, so my husband and I discussed to tried again to make the baby again. I got pregnant again in November but got miscarriage again. I went to doctor for a check up and found i had something wrong inside of my ovaries. I decided to asked my cousin to be my surrogate.
  • 6.3B- My Death

    6.3B- My Death
    Mekayla Shontay Walker passed away on December 29, 2080, at age 81 in Alexandria, Virginia. There is an enormous funeral service in Virginia at Mount Zion church, there are over 100 people here to showing her some respect. After the funeral, they are having a celebration dinner to honor of Mekayla Walker. Mekayla already told her children to not cry but celebrate that I don't have to suffer all of the pains anymore. Later, all the family will cremated and precious my ashes in nice vase.