Megan's Timeline

  • Born

  • Started Kindergarden

    Started Kindergarden
  • Grandfather Died

    Grandfather Died
  • Graduated From Elementary School

    Graduated From Elementary School
  • Graduate From Middle School With All A's

    Graduate From Middle School With All A's
    Retake all tests that I score below advanced on
    Complete all my homework even if it is unneccesary
    Apply myself in all my classes
    Difficult classes
    Scoring below advanced and being unable to retake the test
    Not understanding material
    Not having time to study
    Lots of homework
    Over coming Barriers
    Ask teachers for help even if it's embarrassing
    Use my time wisely
  • Be accepted into and attend a good college

    Be accepted into and attend a good college
    Apply myself in highschool
    Take the classes that best fit the subject I'm interested
    Get involved with activities outside of class
    Being too stretched with too many activities
    Getting good grades in highschool
    Still having time for fun
    Being overwhelmed
    Overcoming these barriers
    Start saving money now so I have less to do later
    Apply for scholarships later on down the road