Aristole Sudies Living Things
Aristole disected animals and discovered the many functions of each organ and overall functions of the organism -
Jan 1, 1577
Jan Baptist van Helmont Discovered Spontaneous Generation
Discovered the idea of Spontaneous Generation, which means the supposed production of living organisms from nonliving matter. An example of this is when you place a dirty rag or shirt in a open pot or barrel with grains, mice will appear. -
Jansen Invents the Microscope
In 1590 Jansen invents the microscope. Now other scientists will be able to see and observe cells. -
Robert Hooke First to Use the Word Cell
Hooke in 1665 used the word cell to name the microscopic honeycomb cavities in a cork. His studies led him to become one of the first proponets of the theory of evolution. -
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek Observed the First Bacteria and Protozoa Cell
!674 is when Leeuwenhoek first observed a bacteria and protozoa cell. His observations helped lay the foundations for the sciences of bacteriogly and protozoology -
Lorenz oken Creates A New Animal Classification System
In 1802, Oken created a new animal classifaction system which demostrated the path of evolution. -
Robert Brown Discovers Cells Have A Nuclues
Brown reconized the name nuclues as a costant constituent of living cells in most plants, and improved natural classification of plants by establishing and defing new families and genera. -
Matthias Schleiden Discovers the Importence of the Nuclues
In 1831 Schleiden discovered the importance of the nuclues, and sensed it connection with cell division. Also helped create the cell theory with Theodor Schwann in 1838 -
Theodor Schwannn Definded the Cell as the Basic Unit of Life
Schwann discovered that the cell is the basic unit of life in plant and animal cells. He also develpoed the cell theory with Matthais Scheiden -
Rudolf Virchow Showed That Living Cells Come From Other Living Cells
In 1850, Virchow showed that the orgins of cells was the division of preexisting life. Virchow was most widelt knowned for his contribution to cell theory and based his works off of Theodor Schwann -
Albrecht von Roelliker Discover the Red Blood Cell
In 1852, Roelliker performed many investigations that covered things such as the smooth muscle, the development and differentization of red blood cells, and the significance of the germ layer. -
Louis Pasteur Discovered All Living Things Come From Preexisting Life
Pasteur came up with the process to prevent liqids from getting people sick. He came up with Pastuerization. In this he proved Spontaneous Generation wrong and that all living things come from preexisting life.