Oct 10, 732
Battle of Tours
In the Battle of Tours, Christianity remained Europe's major religion, and they stopped Muslim advance into Europe. -
Oct 14, 1066
Batlle of Hastings
In the Battle of Hastings, William fought Harold over the throne of England. William the Conqueror defeated Harold and his foot soldiers. William brought feudalism to Europe. -
May 1, 1081
Abbot Suger & St Denis
A friend of Queen Eleanor, He built and started a famous church using a new architecture style he made. It was the First ever Gothic style church, and it was called St. Denis. -
Jan 1, 1096
The Crusades
In the Crusades, The Christians fought because they wanted to get Jerusalem back from non-christians, such as the Muslims and the Jews. -
Sep 23, 1122
Concordant of Worms
The Concordant of Worms was an agreement between King & Pope. It declared only a pope could chose bishops, but King could decide their job in government. -
Apr 1, 1124
Queen Eleanor + Louis VII
One of the wealthiest women in Europe, she was at first married to Louis VII. Iwth Louis, She had no sons, but lots of daughters. She also went on the second crusade with him. -
May 18, 1152
Queen Eleanor + Henry II
The two of them had many famous sons, Such as Richard the LionHeart. -
Dec 19, 1162
Thomas Beckett
Thomas Beckett was once a cancellor for King Henry II. Then, he was declared the Arch Bishop. He was murdered by Henry's men while he was praying at an alter. He became a saint. -
Apr 6, 1199
John I
The king of England. He was such a bad ruler that his Barons led a rebellion against him and created the Magna Carta. -
Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
The magna Carta was a document that took away some of kings powers. Taxes, King was forced to sign Magna Carta in order to keep his place at King. -
Jan 5, 1233
The job of the Inquisition was to put an end to heresy,convents people to catholic, thought heresy would weaken the chance to go to heaven. -
Jun 1, 1267
Thomas Aquinas
Thomas was Scholaticism's champion,and he combined church ideas with Aristotle. He also wrote about government as well as theology. -
May 1, 1295
The Parliment helped kings pass laws, steps towards representative government. -
May 1, 1501
Spanish Inquisition
In the Spanish Inquisition, the Spainards tried to torture thousands of people charged with heresy, mainly Jews and Muslims. -
Charlemagne was crowned King of the Holy Roman Empire as a reward for his help for the church, and he wrote the Domesday Book