Apr 24, 732
Battle of Tours
This battle was les by Charles Martel of the Franks against the Muslims. Charles Martel was the most powerful mayor if the time who wanted to unite all the Frankish nobles under his rule. By defeating the Muslims, Christianity remained Europe's ,major religion. -
Period: Feb 24, 742 to
Charlemagne/ Holy Roman Empire
Charlemagne was the king of France who was later crowned the Roman emperor. He set up courts throughout the empire which were run by counts. He was very interested in education and saw that schools were built. -
Feb 23, 1066
Battle of Hastings
William of Normandy fought Harold Godwinson for the crown of England. William thought he should be next in line for the title of king because he was the cousin of King Edward of England. William defeated Godwinson with the help of archers and knights on horses. -
Period: Feb 24, 1096 to Feb 24, 1204
These were military campagnes of the Roman Cathlic Church to reclaim Jerusalim.The Romans never regained Jerusalim from the Muslims, but these wars resulted in Constantinople being ravaged, expansion of Europe trade, and encouragement to the church to spread Christianity. -
May 22, 1122
Concordat of Worms
The Concordat of Worms was an angreement between the pope and king. It stated that only the pope could choose bishops, and only the king could give jobs in the government. -
Period: Feb 24, 1184 to Feb 24, 1250
The Church set up a court to charge people of heresy. People were urged to confess to heresy. If they did, they would be punished and then let back into the Church. If they didn't confess, they would be exacuted or banished from the land. -
Feb 24, 1209
Francis of Assisi
He founded the first order of friars, who became known as Franciscans. They lived intowns and taught Christianity to the people. They also helped the poor and served as missionaries. -
Aug 27, 1215
Magna Carta
King John signed a document that limited the kings power over the people. It created the basis for the concept of universal human rights. It stated that a person needed to go through a trail by jury before stated guilty. -
Period: Feb 24, 1225 to Feb 24, 1274
Thomas Aquinas
He was "scholasticism's greatest champion." Scholasticism was a new way of theology teaching. It used reason to explore questions of faith. Thomas is best known for combining Church teachings with the ideas of Aristotle. -
Feb 24, 1295
This was the first step towards a representative government. This called a meeting of people from different part of England who got together to discuss the government. People advised the king and helped make laws. -
Charlemagne/ Holy Roman Empire