Medieval Timeline

  • 476

    Start of Medieval Period

    Start of Medieval Period
    The fall of Rome was the start of the Medieval period. This was significant as it marked a new era. It also marked the fall of a powerful empire that had dominated Europe for centuries.
  • 651

    Islam takes control over Persia

    Islam takes control over Persia
    After 20 years, Islam managed to control most of Sassanid Iran (Persia), allowing for further Muslim expansion. This marked the fall of the Sassanid empire and is why Iran is Muslim today.
  • 717

    Siege of Constantinople

    Siege of Constantinople
    The Siege of Constantinople was when the Muslims of the Umayyad Caliphate attempted to take the Byzantine Empire's capital, Constantinople. The Umayyads ended up withdrawing, however it resulted in major changes in the world of Islam. This event also prevented further Muslim expansion into Europe.
  • 900

    Invention of Gunpowder

    Invention of Gunpowder
    Around the late 9th century and early 10th century, gunpowder was invented and used in China. It was the first explosive used in war and allowed for the future, extremely significant invention of guns.
  • 900

    Introduction of Feudalism

    Introduction of Feudalism
    From 10th to 13th centuries, feudalism was the societal structure that determined each individual's place. At the top of the hierarchy was the king, then the lords or nobles, then the knights, and finally the peasants and serfs. It was significant to history as it was the system that dominated western Europe for centuries, and it allowed for societies to maintain a stable structure.
  • 969

    Creation of Cairo

    Creation of Cairo
    The Fatimids created a new city called al-Qāhirah, also known as Cairo. Cairo went on to become the capital of Egypt and has a massive population of around 10 million.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    The Battle of Hastings was a significant event as it was when the Normans defeated the English at Hastings. This was when William the Conqueror became King of England for the next 21 years.
  • 1096

    Start of First Crusades

    Start of First Crusades
    After Pope Urban II's speech in 1095 about retaking the Holy Land of Jerusalem, he proclaimed a war against Islam. This started the First Crusades, where Christians marched on a three year journey to take Jerusalem. This event was significant as it resulted in a war between Christians and Muslims that lasted two centuries. The Crusades also slowed Muslim expansion in Europe.
  • 1347

    Start of Black Death in Europe

    Start of Black Death in Europe
    The Black Death was a significant event of the Middle Ages as it killed about 50 million people, about a third to a half of the European population. If the Black Death had never happened, the current population would likely be billions higher and many wealthy European countries would be struck with poverty and lack of food due to the high population.
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    After the Ottomans sieged the city for 55 days, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, had fell to the Turks. This resulted in the fall of the regionally dominant Byzantine Empire and allowed for Muslim expansion in Europe.