Rj castle

Medieval Timeline

  • Period: 476 to Dec 31, 1453

    Medieval Timeline

    Significant events people and things from the medieval period in europe.
  • 511

    Clovis I

    Clovis I
    Clovis I is considered to be the first King of what is now known as France.During his time as king he was converted to the christian religion. From that moment in time he spread his chosen religion as far as he possibly could and convert as mny people to wht was the fastest growing religion at the time. He was extremely influential on converting most of france to his religion whcih helped create the culture of the church in that area .
  • 565

    Justinian (Justinian Code)

    Justinian (Justinian Code)
    Justinian was the Holy Roman Emperor from 527-565. He was the most important figure in the restoratio imperii, which was the short lived and only half realised plan to restore the Roman empire to it's former glory. Justinian was the alst emperor to speak Latin primarily, and saw himself as the re-unitor of the eastern and western roman empires. Perhaps his most palpable achievement was the uniform rewriting of Corpus Juris Civilis, which is the basis of most western law codes today.
  • Oct 10, 732

    Battle of Tours

    Battle of Tours
    The Battle of Tours was perhaps one of the most decisive and great battles for the Christian Religion. Muslim influence had been slowly making its way west. Their expansion arguably ended at thier defeat by Charles Martel, a christian leader in tours France. This is one of the most important battles of all time because f the chrstians had've lost then Islam may have become the dominant religion of Europe, which would have greatly altered history.
  • Jan 1, 1054

    East West Schism

    East West Schism
    The East-West Schism was the tear between the East (Greek Orthodox) and West (Roman Catholic) divisions of the church. This was the first major division of the church, putting two different Holy Capitals in both Rome and Constantinople. This was the first time people were shown that their church was not as rock solid as presumed before.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    Normans Conquest of England

    Normans Conquest of England
    In 1066 there was a three way claim to the throne of england. William the Conquerer claimed the right to the throne through his blood relation through Edward. This claim to the throne drove William to lead an army into England from Normandy. At the battle of hastings,William won a major victory and defeated the Saxon army in the south. The Normans built england on their feudal System, changing the social structure.
  • Jan 1, 1088

    Foundation of University of Bologna

    Foundation of University of Bologna
    The University of Bologna is considered to be the oldest continually operationg University in the world. Opening at an unconfirmed date in 1088, it has almost been used for 1000 years. This is an extremely significant event because it represents the europeans first struggle to a higher form of education. It also shows europe's innovative education system, being taught by a professer as opposed to an apprenticeship.
  • Apr 24, 1204

    Eleanor of Aquitaine

    Eleanor of Aquitaine
    Eleanor of Aquitaine was one of the most influential and powerful women of her time. She was the only person to ever be the queen of both France and England.. Husband to both Louis VII and Henry II. During her marriage she led several armies against him and started civil wars After her husband died she solely ruled the country while richard was on crusade. She is extremely to history in those ways.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was a code of law forced upon King John of england after his disastrous and power based reign made the nobility of the time dissentious and needed the power to be changed. The Magna Carta was a sytstem of law that basically laid out that nobody was above the law and that each man has their own rights. This document is considered one of the most important of all time, because it recognized the freedom of every man as opposed to their feirce alleigance to a higher power.
  • Jan 8, 1324

    Marco Polo

    Marco Polo
    Marco Polo was a Venetian merchant exploring eastward in search of new routes of trade. This explorer worked mainly in finding a route through the middle east travelling more south and east, a passage through to china. This passage and the writing of his book "A Description of the World" Gave europeans a interest in products outside of their territory. This was the beginning the beginning of Europeans becoming outward looking and focusing on exploration of the outside world. (Maraini)
  • May 30, 1431

    Joan of Arc

    Joan of Arc
    Called upon by God at the age of sixteen when she was sheperdess to lead the French Army. She appealed to the Dauphin by saying she was ordered by god to fight the english. She led with her men and won a series of victories in a row to show the French that the English were not invincible, raising the moral of france in such a way to promote the end of an english clim on Frnce. (Oddyssey Pg.504-505)
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    Some historians mark the middle ages as being over when city of Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks. They allude to this event being the bringer on of the renaissance. After a fairly short seige the this event ended the Roman Empire, one which had lasted nearly 1,500 years.
  • Jul 17, 1453

    Hundred Years War

    Hundred Years War
    The Hundred Years War was the war fought between the English and the French nations that spanned a one hundred year time. From 1337 to1453 the war raged 116 years.and changed the way that people pictured themselves as. The war created nationalism and people began to refer to themselves in terms of their nation as opposed to their leader. This war also helped create the deep seeted rivalry between the two nations for years to come, creating vast cultural differences.
  • Feb 3, 1468

    Johann Gutenberg

    Johann Gutenberg
    Considered one of the most important people of all time, Johann Gutenberg was the inventor of the modern printing press. His moveable typing system was the mark of the mass production of literary works. Before making a book was a tedious time consuming experience, and expensive as well, which meant that only a small population had access to it. The printing press made books available to the common person, which helped the literacy skyrocket, which is a direct impact on quality of life.
  • Charlemagne

    Charlemagne was the reigning king of the Frankish empire from 768-800, where he became the Holy roman Emperor from 800-814. He became the Imperator Augustus after conquering what is now known as Italy, and was crowned this by Pope Leo III on christmas day 800. Charlemagne (meaning Charles the Great) Was one of the gratest leaders of his time. he was a greatmilitary leader, conquering most of central europe, and is most well known for his adamant spread of Christianity and defeat of paganism.
  • Viking Invasions

    Viking Invasions
    Vikings were warlike culture originlly from the Scandinavian area who's explorations westwardly and southernly and colonized parts of europe. These warlike people landed in england at Lindisfarne and they spread their culture nd their genetics throughout england. These attacks also helped the Anglo Saxons build up their defenses and learn tactics on which to direct their army with better. (Odyssey Pg. 438, 456, 462, 463)