Medieval Eourpe

  • Period: Mar 16, 711 to Jan 2, 1492


    Reconquista in English is reconquest. a series of companies by christen states to recapture land from the muslims
  • Mar 15, 1066

    Norman invasion

    The conquest of England by William primarialy effected by his decesive victory at the battle of hastings
  • Oct 14, 1066

    The Battle of Hastings

    King Harold the second is defeated by William at the battle of Hastings, this was fought on scenic hill.
  • Mar 15, 1215

    Signing of the magna carta

    This document was signed by the Barrons. This bill became one of the most important documents for England
  • Mar 15, 1347

    Start of the Bubonic plauge

    This situation ended 60% of the lives in Eourpe. Came through sea on aship that killed everyone and those alive where close to death.
  • Mar 15, 1478

    spanish inquistion

    Judicial instituan created to fight Hershey and spain