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Medieval Castles

  • Period: 100 to


  • Jan 1, 1067

    Winchester Castle

    Winchester Castle
    Winchester Castle is a medieval building in Hampshire, England.
    The casle was rebuilt and extended by Henry III who added the famous Great Hall to he castle. Edward II and his second wife narrowly escaped death when the royal apartments were destroyed by fire. However, little remains from tha period. and Wikipedia
    Then choose Winchester Castle.
  • Jan 1, 1099

    Cardiff Castle

    Cardiff Castle
    Cardiff Castle was built by the wealthy third Marquess of Bute. The castle is located in the city centre within the site used by both the Romans and the Normans for defensive purposes. The Castle's extravagant rooms are themed and the 15th century Great Hall is the oldest room in the castle. and Wikipedia
    Then choose Cardiff Castle.
  • Jan 1, 1116

    Laugharne Castle

    Laugharne Castle
    The Laugharne Castle was built by Robert Courtemain. The Laugharne Castle occupies a clifftop site overlooking the River Taf. The castle has a medieval domed roof in the north west tower. It was defended by a pair of sturdy circular stone towers. and Wikipedia
    Then choose Laugharne Castle.
    Then choose Laugharne Castle.
  • Jan 1, 1150

    Bamburgh Castle

    Bamburgh Castle
    The known person to build this castle is not known but it was renewed by Lord Crewe in the 1750s. The castle is built atop an outcrop of basalt high above a sandy beach, looking out across the North Sea to the Farne Islands. This castle is the first to surrender to an artillery siege. and Wikipedia
    Then choose Bamburgh Castle
  • Jan 1, 1180

    Castle Sween

    Castle Sween
    Casle Sween is ruins of the castle built by Suibhne. The castle canged hands multiple times r the medieval period. The MacDonalds captured it, recaptured it in 1647, the stde the castle to make it uninhabitable. and Wikipedia
    Then choose Castle Sween.
  • Jan 1, 1201

    Inverlochy Castle

    Inverlochy Castle
    Inverlochy Castle was built on the banks of the River Lochy about a mile north east of Fort William. It was one of Scotland's earliest stone castles. I was built by the Comyn family. The castle is in partly ruinous state, even though the walls are high in many places. and Wikipedia
    Then choose Inverlochy Castle.
  • Jan 1, 1242

    Hermitage Castle

    Hermitage Castle
    This castle is named afer a hermit, or a holy man. Nicholas de Soulis built his castle. He built it on the bank of Hermitage Water in the Larriston Fells. This casle is one of the most haunted castles in Britain and is said to be haunted by vicims of Lord Soulis. and Wikipedia
    Then choose Hermitage Castle.
  • Jan 1, 1268

    Caerphilly Castle

    Caerphilly Castle
    Caerphilly castle was built by Earl Gilbert de Clare. It covers 30 acres and it was built to protect from the welsh threat.This castle was the first true example of a concentric castle. There was a gatehouse built in 1270. and Wikipedia
    Then choose Caerphilly Castle
  • Jan 1, 1370

    Belsay Castle

    Belsay Castle
    Belsay Castle is built in the grounds of Belsay Hall. The Middleton family built this castle. It is dominated by a tall pele tower. The castle is a shell and it was extended by more comftorable mansion in the 17th century. The nearby Hall was completed in 1817. and Wikipedia
    Then choose Belsay Castle.
  • Jan 1, 1420

    Kinnairdy Castle

    Kinnairdy Castle
    Kinnairdy Castle stands 2 miles south west of the village of Aberchirder and is also known as Old Kinnairdy. The Innes famly buil he castle and even after centuries, they sill own it. The castle began as a motte and bailey structure and it has been restored many imes, with the most recent time being in 1935. and Wikipedia
    Then choose Kinnairdy Casle.