Medieval castles

Medieval Castles

  • Mar 10, 1050

    Nevern Castle

    Nevern Castle
    Nevern CastleThe Nevern Castle is located in Pembrokeshire, southwest Wales. The Welsh name for this castle is Nanhyfer Castle. It was home to the Normon Lords and Welsh Princes. It played key role is the Welsh community.
  • Dec 31, 1070

    Stafford Castle

    Stafford Castle
    Stafford CastleStafford castle is located in Staffordshire, England. The building is an example of Gothic Revival Keep. You can see this castle from the east of M6 motorway. The castle was originally a timber and earth fortification. But then it changed to a modified glacial deposit
  • Apr 21, 1100

    Carew Castle

    Carew Castle
    is said to be one of the most magnificent castles of south Wales. Sir Nicholas de Crew was in charge of this castle in the late 13th century and early 14th century. The stone building had three floors. Sir John Perrot was the one who actually built the castle. Carew Castle
  • Nov 20, 1159

    Kidwelly Castle

    Kidwelly Castle
    Kidwelly CastleThe Kidwelly Castle is located in Dyfed, south Wales. It is said to be a powerful monument of the Norman power. The Kidwelly was constructed on a steep ridge overlooking the River Gwendraeth. It has been burnt on several occassions, but they have rebuilt in everytime.
  • Jun 18, 1221

    Whittington Castle

    Whittington Castle
    The Whittington Castle is located in Shropshire, England. This castle has seventeen towers originally,but during the Civil War the castle fell into decay.
    Whittington CastleThe
  • Apr 2, 1277

    Rhuddlan Castle

    Rhuddlan Castle
    RhuddlanThe Rhuddlan Castle is located in Denbighshire, northeast Wales. Formes a natural barrier out the coastal approach to the mountainous of North Wales.
  • Nov 7, 1385

    Bodiam Castle

    Bodiam Castle
    The Bodiam Castle is located in East Sussex. It's surrounded by wide moat, and is said to be beautiful and romantic. It has been attacked a lot of times, but survived all of them. Bodiam Castle
  • Jul 2, 1397

    Le Château de Fougères

    Le Château de Fougères
    Le Château de FougèresLe Château de Fougères is located in Brittany, France. It was built in the 11th century. It was meant to defend the crossroads between Maine, Anjou, Normandy and Brittany. In 1166 it was burnt down.
  • Nov 7, 1446

    Blarney Castle

    Blarney Castle
    Blarney CastleThe Blarney Castle is located in Blarney, County Cork. It is one of Ireland's well known castles in the Medieval time. This catsle was actually the third one ever built.
  • Hertford Castle

    Hertford Castle
    Hertford CastleThe Hertford castle was built on a fortified site by Edward the Elder around 911. Henry II took interest in the castle and its potential. And reconstructed it between 1170 and 1174.