Mona lisa

Medieval and Renaissance Art

By anneh4
  • Jul 22, 1380

    The Annunciation (1380s, Netherlands/France)

    The Annunciation (1380s, Netherlands/France)
    Medieval Art
    - Tempera and oil on wood
    - Gold background
    - Religious theme for devotional use
    - Unknown artist
    - Lack of facial emotion
  • Jul 22, 1424

    Triptych with the Adoration of the Magi (1424, Austria)

    Triptych with the Adoration of the Magi (1424, Austria)
    Medieval Art
    - Gold background
    - Religious theme
    - temprea on wood
    - Lack of depth and perspective
  • Jul 22, 1425

    The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Masaccio (1425, Italy)

    The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Masaccio (1425, Italy)
    Italian Early Renaissance
    - Attention to anatomy and human emotion
    -This painting has been used in medical textbooks for its anatomical exactness.
    - Fresco in chapel comissioned by wealthy patrons
    - Artsist is known
    - Inspiration to Michelangelo
    - \
  • Jul 22, 1457

    The Annunciation and The Nativity, Jaume Ferrer the Younger (1457, Spain)

    The Annunciation and The Nativity, Jaume Ferrer the Younger (1457, Spain)
    Medieval Art
    - Oil, tempera, and gold on wood panel (fir)
    - Religious theme for devotional use
    - Gold details and halos
    - Serious and somber
    - Conveys a religious message
  • Jul 22, 1480

    Lamentation over the Dead Christ, Andrea Mantegna (1480, Italy)

    Lamentation over the Dead Christ, Andrea Mantegna (1480, Italy)
    Italian Renaissance
    - Perspective
    - Human anatomy and emotion
    - Softer lines
  • Jul 22, 1500

    Procession of the Magi, Bernardo Parentino (1450-1500, Italy)

    Procession of the Magi, Bernardo Parentino (1450-1500, Italy)
    -Attention to perspective
    - Attention on the humanity of biblical stoies
    - Softer lines
  • Jul 22, 1505

    The Hunt of the Unicorn (1495-1505, Belgium)

    The Hunt of the Unicorn (1495-1505, Belgium)
    -Unicorn was seen as a symbol of Christ
    - Lack of perspective
    - Unknown artist
    - Lack of attention to anatomy
  • Jul 22, 1508

    The Old Woman, Giorgione (1508, Italy)

    The Old Woman, Giorgione (1508, Italy)
    High Renaissance
    - Not religious
    - Attention to human anatomy and emotion
    - Oil on canvas
    - Portrait and individualized
  • Jul 22, 1517

    Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci (1503-1517, Italy)

    Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci (1503-1517, Italy)
    - Portrait
    - Attention to anatomy and emotion
    - Oil on wood
    - Soft lines
  • Jul 22, 1541

    The Last Judgement, Michelangelo (1536-1541, Italy)

    The Last Judgement, Michelangelo (1536-1541, Italy)
    - Attention to human anatomy and emotion
    - Soft lines
    - Well known artist