1517 BCE
Martin Luther begins the Reformation
1500 BCE
Feudalism largely ends in western Europe
1453 BCE
Ottomans gain control of Byzantine Empire
1440 BCE
Gutenberg invents printing press
1431 BCE
Joan of Arc burned at the stake
Period: 1315 BCE to 1317 BCE
1305 BCE
First recorded use of Habeas Corpus
Period: 1300 BCE to 1400 BCE
Late Middle Ages
1215 BCE
Signing of the Magna Carta
1122 BCE
Birth of Eleanor of Aquitaine
Period: 1095 BCE to 1291 BCE
Catholic Church supports a series of Crusades
1066 BCE
William the Conqueror gains power in England
1054 BCE
Creation of Othordox Church
Period: 1000 BCE to 1200 BCE
High Middle Ages
800 BCE
Charlemagne is the most powerful European ruler
Period: 793 BCE to 1066 BCE
The Viking Era
768 BCE
Charlemagne becomes King of the Franks
622 BCE
Mohammed becomes a religious leader
590 BCE
Gregory becomes Pope
570 BCE
Birth of Mohammed
476 BCE
End of Rome's western empire
400 BCE
Romans begin to lose control of their empire
380 BCE
Christianity main religion of ancient Roman Empire
Period: 500 to 900
Early Middle Ages
Period: 1347 to 1351
The Black Death