History medieval

Medieval Time Period

By Chucko
  • 1066

    Start of Medieval Time Period

    Start of Medieval Time Period
    Normans, or north men, settled north of Britanny on the coast of France causing them to adopt French practices.
  • 1066


    The hierarchy of power was based on the premise that the king owned all the land in the kingdom.
  • Period: 1135 to 1154

    Change of Throne

    King William's son, Henry I died in 1135 causing the barons to fight between Henry's daughter Matilda and his nephew Stephen. Matilda's son Henry II took the throne in 1154.
  • 1215

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta
    Also known as the Great Charter, King John was forced to sign it due to bankruptcy of royal treasury by overseas warfare. The Magna Carta limited royal authority by granting more power to the barons.
  • 1295

    Model Parliament

    Model Parliament
    An advisory council of barons established the inclusion of commoners as well as barons in the council.
  • Period: 1337 to 1453

    The Hundred Years' War

    A long struggle that had been on and off for more than a century between England and France.
  • 1347

    The Black Plague

    The Black Plague
    Also known as the Bubonic Plague or Black Death was a widespread epidemic that killed a third of Europe's population in a span of 3 years.
  • 1455

    The War of the Roses

    The War of the Roses
    Two rivalry families claimed the thrown. The killing of the Yorkist king Richard III is usually taken as marking the end of the Middle ages in England.