Medicine Through Time

  • 805

    Caliph al-Rashid sets up hospitalin Baghdad

  • 1000

    Abulcasis writes Al Tasrif

  • 1180

    Frugardi wrote Practice of Surgery

  • 1267

    Hugh and Theodoric of Lucca write their book

  • 1316

    Mondino writes Anathomia

  • 1348

    Black Death comes to UK

  • 1363

    Guy de Chauliac writes Great Surgery

  • 1368

    Guild of Surgeons is created

  • 1376

    John of Arderne wrote Practica

  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople/Byzantine Empire

  • 1543

    Vesalius writes Fabrica

  • 1575

    Paré writes Work on Surgery

  • Harvey writes De Motu Cordis

  • Black Death comes to UK

  • Hunter writes Natural History of the Teeth

  • Hunter writes On Venereal Disease

  • Jenner published his findings

  • Government gives Jenner £10,000

  • Poor Law is passed

  • Chadwick Report

  • Simpson discovers chloroform

  • Cholera Outbreak

  • 1st Public Health Act

  • British Government makes Vaccinations compulsory

  • Broad Street Cholera Outbreak

  • Bazalgette starts building sewers

  • Lister starts using Carbolic Acid

  • Lister publishes theory about infection

  • 2nd Public Health Act

  • Booth report

  • Rowtree Report

  • Formation of Labour Party

  • Free School Meals

  • School Medical Inspections

  • Children's Act

  • Pensions Act

  • Labour Exchanges Act

  • National Insurance Act