Medical Timeline

  • 200

    Galen: Tracheotomy

    Played a role in the development of medicine based on Hippocrates.
  • Period: 200 to

    History of Medical Field

  • 500

    Arteries and Veins

    Greeks think blood runs through veins and arteries.
  • Period: 500 to Sep 8, 1500

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 9, 1000


    Surgery begins to be looked at as a profession and important,
  • Sep 9, 1100

    Autopsies and Dissections

    Some people start performing autopsies and dissections to animals and some humans.
  • Sep 8, 1300

    Islamic Hospitals; Health care for the sick.

    Many Islamic Hospitals were built because in their bible it was told to take care of the sick.
  • Period: Sep 8, 1300 to


  • Sep 9, 1300


    Pain becomes important and more carefully observed.
  • Sep 8, 1400

    Frenchwoman Jacoba Felicie tries to practice medicine but is denied.

    Pleaded that it was uncomfortable for woman to be looked at by male doctors but was found guilty and could never study medicine again.
  • Sep 9, 1400

    Medical Books

    Medical Books
    Medical Books are very rare and can not be produced quickly because there are no printing presses.
  • Sep 9, 1494


    First recorded outbreak of Syphillis is found in the French army.
  • Sep 9, 1543

    Human Brain

    Vesalius's draws an accurate picture of a human brain in his book.
  • Translation to French

    A french man translates Vesalius's book into French so the French can become knowledgeable about anatomy.
  • Use of Scientific Method begins.

    People looked for real causes of what was happening around them and not the supernatural.
  • Robert Hooke creates the reflective microscope.

    Robert Hooke creates the reflective microscope.
    Helped people to look more in depth of the human body and for people to study human anatomy.
  • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek describes bacteria.

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek helps people understand bacteria and how it works.
  • Francis Bacon uses microscope to discover plague fleas.

    Francis Bacon shows people how the plague could be spread.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Edward Jenner dscovered first vaccination.

    Took fluids from cowpox blisters and injected humans which started the first practice of vaccines.
  • James Simpson

    James Simpson starts using chloroform for his operations on patients.
  • Louis Pasteur pasteurization of milk.

    Louis Pasteur is the basis of modern microbiology.
  • Joseph Lister practice of medical asespis.

    Joseph Lister started the first form of sanitization on health instruments.
  • Robert Koch discovery of pathogens.

    Robert Koch began bacteriology and that pathogens were sources of some diseases.
  • Ignaz Semmelweis shows importance of hand washing.

    People become more sanitary and clean.
  • Syringe in France

    The hypodermic syringe was invented in France.
  • John Snow stops outbreak of cholera.

    John Snow showed people of the time that disease can be fought and cured.
  • Rubber Gloves

    Rubber Gloves first used in surgery
  • Aspirin

    Aspirin is invented
  • Marie Curie discovers of radioactivity.

    Marie Curie helps scientists in the future with the introduction of radioactivity.
  • Bubonic Plague hits San Francisco.

    Bubonic plague hits San Francisco and it makes people frantic to cure it which leads to much medical knowledge.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin.

    Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin which saves many many lives.
  • First HMO insurance.

    First HMO insurance means health is gaining in importance.
  • Blood Transfusions

    The first blood transfusions were attempted.
  • Yellow Fever Vaccine

    A vaccine known as 17D was created and stopped the outbreak of Yellow Fever.
  • First Blood Banks

    Blood banks were created for people who lost a lot of blood.
  • Typhus Vaccine

    A vaccine was found for the dangerous Typhus disease.
  • Salk discovers polio vaccine.

    Salk discovers polio vaccine and saves the lives of many with polio,
  • WHO declares smallpox eradicated.

    WHO declares smallpox eradicated which means the vaccine works.
  • Managed health care; growth in uninsured.

    More people are getting health insurance.
  • AZT is used to combat AIDS.

    AZT didn't work and there is still no cure.
  • Rhazes discovers the difference between smallpox and measles.

    Helped in the development of medicine based no Hippocrates.
  • Small Pox

    Small Pox
    Small pox breaks out and kills many.