Period: 500 to
History of Medicine
Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500
Middle Ages
Sep 9, 1000
Surgery is considered a profession
Sep 9, 1100
Foundation of medical school at Salerno in Italy
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Sep 9, 1300
Islamic Hopsitals; Health care for the sick
Sep 9, 1348
Black Death
Sep 9, 1400
Invention of the printing press
Sep 9, 1494
First Syphilis case in Europe
Sep 9, 1500
Scientific method came into use
Sep 9, 1543
Andreas Vesalius presented the first largely accurate description of the human body
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Edward Jenner discovered a vaccine for smallpox
vaccines against rabies and anthrax were developed
Cholera discovered
Robert Koch discovered the anthrax disease cycle
x-rays discovered
Period: to
Modern Times
Alexander Fleming discovers the enzyme lysozyme
Kidney transplant from one twin to the other twin
First liver transplant
First heart transplant
Steve thomas used maggots for infectious wound treatments
Rhazes discoverd difference between smallpox and meazles
Anglo-Saxon wrote a meadical book known as Balds leechbook