Period: 500 to
History of Medicine
Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500
Middle Ages
Sep 10, 600
The barbers were surgeons and perfomed surgery
The barbers didn't only cut hair, they performed surgery on people too. After an operation the bandages would be hung on a staff or a pole and sometimes placed outside the shop as an advertisement. -
Sep 10, 1000
Medical care became regulated
Medical care finally became regulated, when physicians became licensed and had to start reading the books and training with experienced doctors. -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Sep 10, 1400
Jacoba Felicie was tried for practicing medicine
Jacoba Felicie was trying to practice medicing, but was denied. Then she was also tried for practicing medicine without a license. -
Sep 22, 1500
Invented the Microscope
Zacharius Jannssen invents the microscope. -
Refines the microscope
Anton van Leeuwenhoek refines the microscope in 500 different model fashions. -
William Harvey
William Harvey describes and tells how blood is pumped through the body. -
Experimenting on dogs
English architect Sir Christopher Wren is the first to experiment on dogs. -
Experiments with human blood
English architect Sir Christopher Wren also experiments with human blood and makes transfusions during this time. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
James Lind discovers citrus fruits prevent scurvy
James Lind discovers that citrus fruits help prevent the disease scurvy. -
Edward Jenner develops a method to protect people from smallpox by exposing them to the cowpox virus.
Edward Jenner develops a method to protect people from smallpox by exposing them to the cowpox virus. -
Sir Humphry Davy announces the anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide
Sir Humphry Davy announces the anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide. -
René Laënnec invents the stethoscope.
René Laënnec invents the stethoscope. -
American surgeon Crawford W. Long uses ether as a general anesthetic during surgery but does not publish his results.
American surgeon Crawford W. Long uses ether as a general anesthetic during surgery but does not publish his results. -
Period: to
Modern World
First successful human blood transfusion using Landsteiner's ABO blood typing technique
First successful human blood transfusion using Landsteiner's ABO blood typing technique -
Insulin first used to treat diabetes.
Insulin first used to treat diabetes. -
First vaccine for influenza.
First vaccine for influenza. -
South African heart surgeon Dr. Christiaan Barnard performs the first human heart transplant.
South African heart surgeon Dr. Christiaan Barnard performs the first human heart transplant. -
Dolly the sheep becomes the first mammal cloned
Dolly the sheep becomes the first mammal cloned from an adult cell (dies in 2003). -
Discovery of the difference in smallpox and measles
Rhazes discovered the difference between smallpox and measles. -
Blood is the cause for infectious disease
Rhazes suggests that blood is the reason that we have infectious diseases.