Medical Investigations 1

  • 500

    barbers were also surgeons

    barbers were also surgeons
    barbers were surgoens in the middle ages they performed surgery on cataracts,amputated limbs and sealed blood vessels
  • Period: 500 to

    HIstory of Medicine

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500

    Middle Ages

  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to

    The Renaissance

  • Sep 10, 1347

    bubonic plague broke out

    several italian boats came back and had me on them that were sick with the bubonic plague it almost killed 25 million people
  • Sep 10, 1400

    women were not allowed to practice medicine

    but in the 14th century a women named jacoba was tried for practicing medicine without a liscense
  • Sep 10, 1400

    leprosy broke out

    its a chronic infection that mainly causes many skin lesions
  • Sep 10, 1500

    the printing press was invented

    the printing press was invented
    Bi Shang invented the printing press in the 1500 so new discoverys about medicine could be shared faster
  • robert hooke invented the microscope so that we could get a better understanding of what viruses were and what things were made up of

    robert hooke invented the microscope so that we could get a better understanding of what viruses were and what things were made up of
  • Period: to

    industrial revoulution

  • around 1796 an english doctor discovered that english milk maid exposed to cowpox didnt get smallpox so he studied the blisters from the cows wich then began the process of vaccination

    around 1796 an english doctor discovered that english milk maid exposed to cowpox didnt get smallpox so he studied the blisters from the cows wich then began the process of vaccination
  • stethescope was invented by rene laennec

    stethescope was invented by rene laennec
  • joseph lister was ridiculed for suggesting we wash our hands before moving from paitent to paitent and cleaning our surgical tools

  • robert korch discovered that pathagens are the source of some diseases

  • Period: to

    modern world

  • modern medical practice is based on the discoveries and evelopments of the nineteenth century

  • antibiotics were invented by alexzander fleming

    antibiotics were invented by alexzander fleming
  • ct scan was developed

  • organ transplants are now common and safer then ever

  • we improved x rays since 1895

    we improved x rays since 1895
  • influenza outbreak

  • improved ct scan, x-ray and ultrasound

  • a doctor discovered the difference between measles and smallpox

    a doctor discovered the difference between measles and smallpox
    the doctors name was Rhazes he was persian