Medical Investigation

  • Period: 500 to

    History of Medicine

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 11, 1265

    contains the first detailed description of an anaestheti

  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Sep 9, 1300

    islamic hospitals health for sick

  • Sep 9, 1400

    Frenchwoman Joavona Felicie tries to practice medicine but is denied

  • Sep 11, 1522

    However the greatest surgeon of the age was Andreas Vesalius

  • Sep 11, 1540

    Veselius gave public demonstration

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • use of scinetific method begins.

  • Robert Hooke-reflective microscope

  • Antoine van Weeuwenhoek

  • Francis Bacon uses microscope to discovre plague fleas

  • Edward Jenner discovered 1st vaccination

  • Louis Pasteur pasteurization of milk

  • Joseph Lister prectice of medical aspesis

  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Bubonic plague hits San Fransisco

  • Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin

  • Salk discoveres polio vaccine

  • who declares smallpox eradicated

  • azt is used to combat aids

  • Rhazes discovered smallbox and weasels